July 04, 2011

Emulation News 095: Updates for 7-4-11

Happy independence day America! Now lets get to the news involving the emulation world!

WinVZ300 (2011/07/03)


MESS SVN r12143

OKEAN240 - fixed colour in F4 display."


Gameboy Online (2011/07/03)

"- Blocking unnecessary calculations on the change in the sub-range 0 sprites."


Stella SVN r2261

Removed all traces of the OpenGL TV filters. This is due to be replaced by
Blargg NTSC filtering, but we need to revert to base functionality first.

Cleaned up the debugger API wrt converting values from integers to strings
(and vice-versa). There is now only one method for each of these functions,
rather than several ways to do so. In the process, convert from unsafe
sprintf functions into snprintf (eliminate potential buffer overflows).

The debugger 'print' command now indicates if any assigned label represents
a read-only location (R), a write-only location (W), or a read/write location

Fixed bug in DataGridWidgets (used in debugger ROM and CPU registers), where
scrolling the mouse-wheel would cause a segfault. Scrolling the mousewheel
now changes these items as expected.
Removed some 'throw(...)' declarations, which are deprecated in the latest version
of the C++ standard.

Fixed bug when using snprintf; we must use BSPF_snprintf, since the function
has different names in different OS's.

Optimized loading of PNG images in the RomInfoWidget so that memory allocations
aren't continuously being done. Basically, memory is allocated once and then
only re-allocated if a new image is larger than all previous ones. This can
increase memory use slightly, as the image data stays around between image loads,
and it remembers the largest image loaded. But if you images are all mostly the
same size, it should hurt memory usage too much. And it really helps on certain
systems where repeated (re)-allocations can cause problems."


SaveGame Manager GX SVN r108

* Added ScreenShot (hold Nunchuk button Z and press C)
* Added some strings replacement for clean chanlog text
* Added Language files update settings (you can now update meta, icon, wiitdb,
lang without a new rev available)
* Added SDReload Button on MainWindow
* Fixed Titlte Launcher startup code dump ( Issue 114 )(thx pplucky for tests)
* Fixed infinite loop when updating icon ( Issue 118 )
* Fixed MoveSave and CopySave fonctions
* Changed WiiTDB settings menu by Features menu
* Changed some images position in ProgressWindow

* Added comments line detection in meta.xml
* Sources Clean"


StepMania v5.0 Preview 2

* [Player] Bring mMods from OpenITG over. Also, a metric was added,
"MModHighCap", to cap the speed mod if required for playing songs like
Tsuhsuixamush. Set the metric to 0 or less to remove the cap. [AJ, sharksoda,

* [ScreenEdit] Fixed a crash when hitting Enter in the F1 help menu. [AJ]

* [NotesAll] Use #FIRSTSECOND, #LASTSECOND, and #LASTSECONDHINT instead of the
former BEAT equivalents. Split Timing has made this a necessity thanks to
certain files that abuse Stops/Delays more than usual. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Add a function in the Area Menu to designate the current beat
as the last second of the song. Please try to be smart and not use this too
early. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScreenEdit] Add a function to copy/paste the TimingData of a player's
choice. Remember to be in the appropriate mode when copying and pasting.
By default, the song timing is already located in the clipboard, ready for
use. [Wolfman2000]

* [Steps] Make sure #ATTACKS are copied when requested. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Have Step Author up front instead of Chart Style. This is
probably going to be better overall. [Wolfman2000]
* [TimingData] Preserve the length of time for Speed Segment scaling when using
beats. [Wolfman2000]
* [NotesLoader/WriterSSC] #OFFSET is to be before #ATTACKS. This is required if
we pursue beat based attacks and not just second based. [Wolfman2000]

* [UnlockManager] New metric: AutoLockEditSteps. Use this to hide bonus charts
until the Expert steps are beaten. No guarantee that this works with no
challenge steps in the song. This defaults to false. [Wolfman2000]
* [UnlockManager] New metric: SongsNotAdditional. Set to true to keep the
default behavior, false to have the AdditionalSongs folder contain
unlockable material. This is set to true to start. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Allow jumping between all segments, not just Label segments.
You still use Ctrl + ,/. to jump, but now you use Ctrl + N/M to cycle the
segments. By default, it starts with Label. [Wolfman2000]
* [PlayerOptions] No longer display StepAttacks in the player's list.
Instead, show NoAttacks if attacks are disabled. [Wolfman2000]

* [Actor] Implement compound(length,tweens) in _fallback/02 Actor.lua. [AJ]
* [UnlockManager] Add a new unlock reward: StepsType. This is similar to
unlocking Steps, but it is targeted for one step in one stepstype rather
than one step in all stepstypes. This needs testing. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Add the option to convert delays to beats. Just find a better
song to use this on besides Uprock. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Fix a crash if you don't save any steps on a new song.
* [NotesLoader/WriterSSC] Add support for Step #ATTACKS. Furthermore, Song
Attacks (or rather, Step Attacks as it should be called now) are turned on
by default instead of off. [Wolfman2000]

* [EditMenu] Allow all songs to work in Practice Mode, regardless of folder
location. This fixes a crash if everyone had songs in AdditionalSongs.

* [LifeMeterBattery] Fixed a bug where MinesSubtractLives was not being honored.
Also added LifeChanged message to changing of life on holds. [AJ]

* [TimingData] Added many lua bindings for the other timing segments. GetWarps,
GetCombos, GetTimeSignatures, GetTickcounts, GetFakes, GetScrolls, GetSpeeds.
This should cover all of them now. [Wolfman2000]

* [InputHandler_DirectInput] Fixed MouseWheel input not resetting. [AJ]
* [ScreenTextEntry] Make it so only the keyboard's Enter key can finish the
screen. Should fix issues with buttons whose secondary function is MenuStart. [AJ]
* [InputMapper] Modify default mappings. Use the Hyphen key instead of the
Numlock key for Player 2's GAME_BUTTON_BACK. This should address some
issues with Player 2 being unable to back out if they use a laptop.
* [NoteDisplay] Add two new metrics.
* DrawRollHeadForTapsOnSameRow: bool, similar to DrawHoldHeadForTapsOnSameRow
* TapHoldRollOnRowMeansHold: bool, true means hold and false means roll
* No noteskins should require updating, as these were placed in common/common
for ease of use. [Wolfman2000]
* [LifeMeterBattery] Added ChangeLives(int) Lua binding. [AJ]
* [LifeMeterBattery] Added DangerThreshold metric. [AJ]
* [LifeMeterBattery] Added some important metrics. [AJ]
* MinScoreToKeepLife='TapNoteScore_*' - any score below this = loss of life.
* SubtractLives=1 - how many lives are lost when going below MinScoreToKeepLife.
* MinesSubtractLives=1 - how many lives are lost when hitting a mine.
* HeldAddLives=0 - how many lives are gained when a hold is completed.
* LetGoSubtractLives=1 - how many lives are lost on a dropped hold.

* [ScreenNetSelectMusic] Add PlayerOptionsScreen metric. [AJ]
* [ScreenEdit] Restore the old PageUp/PageDown behavior, added Control +
PageUp/PageDown to use recent time signature behavior. Laptop users, that
includes you guys too: semicolon and apostrophe are still good. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScreenEdit] Allow setting the Music Preview via the Alter Menu. Just select
your area, enter the menu, and choose "Designate as Music Preview". No more
math calculations needed! [Wolfman2000]
* [SongUtil] Added GetPlayableSteps(Song) Lua binding. [AJ]
* [Steps] Allow 255 characters for all chart descriptions, including edits.
We are no longer bound by In The Groove I think. [Wolfman2000]
* [Player] Add GetPlayerTimingData() Lua binding. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScreenEdit] Split the Area Menu into the Area Menu and Alter Menu. Use the
"A" key to enter the Alter Menu when a selection of notes/rows are
highlighted. Use the Enter key to enter the old Area Menu for the options that
do not depend on selecting NoteData. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Allow converting selections to Delays, Warps, or Fakes as well
as Stops. Remember, use the Alter Menu for this. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScreenSyncOverlay] Ensure that F11 / F12 work with all charts due to Split
Timing. [Wolfman2000]

* Any notes in a fake segment or warp segment are completely ignored for
scoring purposes. Now you can get 100% on your warping goodness!

* [PlayerOptions] Removed the ScoreDisplay mod choices. Use lua to make your
own scoring formulas that work in reverse instead. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenGameplay] Fix an assist tick bug if there was no Player 1. Note that
this changes the behavior slightly: it is the first enabled player, or
master player, that gets the ticks now. A better solution will be looked at
in the future. [Wolfman2000]
* [NoteDataUtil] Fix a radar issue involving hands. Unfortunately, this means
yet another cache reload for accuracy purposes. [Wolfman2000]

* Changed default MusicWheelSwitchSpeed to 15 (was 10). [AJ]
* [AnnouncerManager] Fixed a bug where no announcers would be loaded. [AJ]
* Restored the UserPrefAutoSetStyle behavior. [Wolfman2000]
* [NotesLoaderSMA] Better way of identifying beats and seconds. [Wolfman2000]


GameEx v11.86

"Performance fixes and enhancements."


Dolphin SVN r7667

Fix GLSL shaders for virtual EFB copies."


NestopiaX v1.1

"Updates and changes:

Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was not working properly **FIXED
Family Circuit '91 was not working properly **FIXED
Fixed partially broken support for mapper 163. COntra 100 in 1 and 168 in 1 now work properly
Bus conflicts issue resolved: Free Fall (prototype) and Secret Scout (prototype) now work

Added new entries to the xml database for ips patched games. (thanks to plasturion)
the following games should now be playable:

1.) Getsufuu Maden (J) [T+Eng1.0_RPGe]
2.) Dragon Ball Z-Kyoushuu! Saiya Jin (j) (T+eng 1.01 Red Comet)
3.) Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (J) [T+Eng1.00_Vice]
4.) Cat Ninden Teyandee (J) [T+Eng.10_Vertigo]
5.) Akumajou Special - Boku Dracula-kun (J) [T+Eng1.02_Vice]
6.) Wai Wai World (J) [T+Eng1.00_Demiforce]
7.) Wai Wai World 2 - SOS!! Paseri Jou (J) [T-Eng1.00_Vice]

Alpha Channel Preview Bug fixed ** thanks weinerschnitzel for the link to fix :

Level FLip filter implemented. Now selecting the filter to "none" will flip all levels
backwards. Enjoy all your faves now backwards. (Thanks to plasturion)

Added an option to flip the default controls while playing flipped levels. You can find them
in controller options. NOTE***the ini will save what control you pick. so for the time
being you will have to change back your control options manually when you decide to revert back normal controls. todo: will fix in next release or at least, try to."


PCSX2 SVN r4791

GSdx: CRC hackfix for Midnight Club 3, fixes the huge vram usage when moving.
Small change to the Burnout hackfix, was skipping too much for NTSC."



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