July 20, 2011

Retro Gaming News 046: Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water Translation Finished

Totally awesome translation has been released. Fans of Nadia, please step right up!

"Today I have released a translation patch for Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water for the Genesis/MD. The game is an adventure game, the gameplay revolves around reading the story and solving puzzles.

Translated by Eien Ni Hen, it took me a couple years to work on my Sega Genesis hacking skills (as much as CBS probably doesn’t care) to complete it. This translation uses the console/emu region settings to run in English when set to USA mode. Otherwise it will display the original Japanese text/graphics.

I hope everyone enjoys it.

(Thanks to RHDN for help uploading this, as my site is down at the moment.)"



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