July 15, 2011

Finds 315: Famicom Chinese Originals and Rockman!

So they are finally here. Totally awesome Chinese pirate originals! Be sure to check these out as Final Fantasy VII, and Zelda 3 have been added to my collection!

Should I say even more? This is Final Fantasy VII for the Famicom! Totally worth the purchase as a Final Fantasy fan. The only problem was to be able to play it as you have to know Chinese and be very patient as the battle sequences are long and boring. Nevertheless, a welcomed addition to my collection!

Here is a Rockman 10 in 1 multicart for the Gameboy. The game is packed with every Rockman you may want to play including Chinese original Rockman 8. Totally worth it especially when you want to play something out of this world!

Here is the other Famicom Chinese Original. This one is a conversion of Zelda 4 except for the Famicom. If you are not familiar with Zelda, this one would be A link's awakening for the Gameboy. It's totally weird but fun! I can't complain!

So that's it, my awaited pirates have finally made it to their permanent home (Mine!) But be sure that these won't be the last you'll see of this kind. There are a bunch of other ones I will hunt down and add to my ever growing collection! Cya next time!

Final Fantasy VII (Famicom)
Zelda -A Link's Awakening- (Famicom)
Rockman 10 in 1 (Gameboy)


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Jose Basilio said...

Hi there. Where did you get the Final Fantasy VII?

famicomfreak said...

eBay ^_^


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