Here are today's updates!
MESS SVN r12371
WINUI - fixed link error, from r12361"
CSPSP v1.82 PaintBall MoD

"- Redesign graphics
- Ability to play online or solo
- Updating of all elements
CSPSP 1.8.2 PaintBall MoD is a modified version of the popular PSP Homebrew Game known as
CSPSP 1.8.2 A.K.A Counter Strike PSP that has been modified with a new game play.
This version of CSPSP 1.8.2 not is available as a PaintBall Mod . Thanks to PSP French Developer
Omnitrix who has decided to release a new mod known as CSPSP 1.8.2 PaintBall MoD to the homebrew
community. CSPSP 1.8.2 PaintBall MoD includes single player as well as Multiplayer for online play."
PSP Custom Firmware 6.39 ME-9.1

"CFW 6.39 Minimum Edition for 01g, 02g model by neur0n
-- What is this?--
This is CFW work on PSP1000 and PSP2000.
The degree of stability is still unknown.
Please test it on your own and refer to different people's test reports.
From 5.00M33 -> OK
From 5.50GEN -> OK(may need to edit version.txt)
From 5.50Prometheus -> OK(may need to edit version.txt)
From 6.20TN-D -> OK
From 6.37ME -> Error
From 6.38ME -> OK
From 6.20PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.35PRO-B4 -> Error
From 6.20PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.35PRO-B5 -> OK
From 6.39PRO-B6 -> OK
--How to Install--
First, you need to install CFW or HEN in your PSP.
1. copy UPDATE folder at ms0:/PSP/GAME/.
2. Put 6.39 official update at ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/639.PBP .
3. Run installer from xmb.
-- features --
Hold R trigger and turn on the psp, you can enter recovery menu.
Hold Home button and turn on the psp, you can Boot OFW.
-- Credit --
Dark_AleX : For his great CFW. This CFW is based his 5.00M33.
Moz : For his beta test.
BombingBasta: For his translated language file in French.
Rapper_skull: For his translated language file in Italian.
The Z : For his translated language file in German.
-- About translating the recovery menu --
To translate the recovery ,create a text file in ms0:/seplugins/xx_recovery.txt or flash1:/xx_recovery.txt .
"xx" is the language code of your language.
es -> spanish
en -> english
fr -> french
de -> german
it -> italian
ja -> japanese
ko -> korean
nl -> netherlands
pt -> portuguese
ru -> russian
ch1 -> chinese simplified
ch2 -> chinese traditional
To use custom font in RecoveryMenu, put font data at ms0:/seplugins/font_recovery.bin.
-- Fixed a bug in sctrlKernelSetUserLevel.
-- Added a patch for leda which allow to use it from ef0:/.
-- Fixed a bug in Official Static ELF loading.
-- Fixed a CPU clock in GAME mode.
-- Added a patch for 0x80020148 error.
-- Fixed a ISO Parental Level.
-- Fixed a bug in OE driver(again).
-- Fixed a bug that failed to sleep when you change the CPU clock.
-- Added a page controll in RecoveryMenu->Plugin.
-- Updated UMD Video mount. Now you can play UMD video/audio without dummy UMD.
-- Fixed a crash when useing Dark_AleX's LEDA.
-- Change the iso Parental Level from 5 to 1.
-- Increase plugin path character buffer in PluginManager from 32 to 64.
-- Added RecoveryMode translate and custom font feature.
-- Added Gameboot Skip option.
-- Added RecoveryMenu option in VshMenu.
-- Fixed OEdriver bug.
-- Fixed a bug when enter suspend with VshMenu opened.
-- Fixed MEdriver bug.
-- Added BatteryConfig submenu in RecoveryMenu.
-- Added Speed up MS option(beta).
-- Added ResetVSH in VshMenu.
-- Skipped sceLogo after exit RecoveryMenu.
-- Added "Make AutoBoot Battery" option in RecoveryMenu.
-- Fixed freeze bug when try to connect to PSN.
-- First release.
-- Fixed RecoveryMenu text.
-- Fixed ExtraMemory bug.
-- Changed NetworkUpdates default value.
-- Source code optimization."
Emulator Organizer v4.0.2453.134

"Emulator Organizer rebuilt with optimized code to be faster and more stable.
End-User Interface changed to make it easier to use
Added history text for each rom.
Added more columns in the details view.
Added sort ability for each column.
Added status tab.
Added links tab and the ability to store links for each rom.
Added detect snapshots using Goolge Image.
Added detect covers using Goolge Image.
Added change extension tool.
Added ability to add single rom without the need of folder scan
Added ability to store roms located in the internet instead of disk.
Added ability to play roms located on the internet.
Added more options in the rom properties window.
Added command lines panel to access command lines easily.
Added ability to change icon of emulator.
Added: real rename gives option to rename snapshots, covers and manual files of rom.
Added: real delete gives option to real delete snapshots, covers and manual files of rom.
Added stretch button in snapshots and covers browser.
Added locate on disk button in snapshots and covers browser.
Added locate rom on disk option.
Added ability to play roms located on the internet.
Added more options in the rom properties window.
Added command lines panel to access command lines easily.
Added ability to change icon of emulator.
Added: real rename gives option to rename snapshots, covers and manual files of rom.
Added: real delete gives option to real delete snapshots, covers and manual files of rom.
Added stretch button in snapshots and covers browser
Added locate on disk button in snapshots and covers browser.
Added locate rom on disk option.
Added locate manual on disk button in the manual viewer.
Roms browser improved to make it faster.
Info tab improved to make it more useful.
Fixed: can't delete snapshot file when the browser views it.
Fixed: can't delete cover file when the browser views it.
Fixed: many bugs found on the old engine, can't mansion all of them here ..."
WinDS PRO 2011.8

"- New DeSmuME SVN 4069
- New 1022 VBA-M SVN
- Includes new style 3D"
SaveGame Manager GX SVN r110

* Added ListMode to NandMiiBrowser and NandSaveBrowser ( Issue 127 )
* Updated to newest ehcmodule by rodries (thx!)
* Added necessary source code to support both USB ports at once and copying
files from one to another (WORKS ONLY WITH HERMES). It is disabled right now
because of weird crash caused by the ehcimodule when copying from one usb port
to another which can corrupt partitions. Will be enabled when the issue is
resolved. Right now only usb port 0 is active.
* Added use of the internal Wii System Menu font (thx to giantpune and r-win)
* Changed default Font Scale to 0.95 to fit with the new font. If you disabled
the system font, you should set scale factor to 1.000
* Properly sync video after flush to avoid possible green flash
* Using new app_booter (see below)
* Moved argument command line also to mem2 to avoid overwrite of it
* Reload back to entry ios when starting homebrew instead of starting it in cIOS
* Converted every 4 spaces to a tab to make the source consistent on those
AppBooter changes:
* Reduced size of app_booter from 100KB to 1KB by striping libogc and using
parts of savezelda code by TT (thx!)
* Improved performance with the change above
* Added argument passing for elf files as well
* Clear bss located in mem1 when launching dols (thx oggzee)
Forwarder changes:
* Using new app_booter method
* Properly sync video after flush to avoid possible green flash"
Altirra 2.0 Test 18

"DMACTL/HSCROL timing problem. This should fix it."

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