July 04, 2011

Affinity:Sorrow: July 4, 2011 -First public game play footage revealed!-

So here is a very special update for this game in a very special day ^_^ Enjoy!

Today, being the celebration of Independence Day, we bring you a gift. A large update to Affinity:Sorrow (and soon a website update as well), but let's move onto the more important things - what this video has to offer.

Here is the rough cut of the introduction scene to Affinity:Sorrow. This will be presented when you first start a new game, so while it doesn't give away any spoilers, it helps set the mood for the beginning of the game. This video shows some standards that will be in the game:

Main characters will have portraits in during dialog, while other various NPC's will not. Battle scenes will have animations to them (as seen by the torches on the wall), though they will be subtle in nature so they don't distract the player from the battle. You also see a few methods for screen changes and scrolling, and more will surface later on as well until we feel that we've got it just right for transitions.

Some things you may notice that should be of no concern to anyone:

  • The Frames Per Second is dropped to ~ 40 FPS. This only happens when the video software to record is running. There is no slow down or lag in the game.
  • A slight flicker when walking in front/back of the NPC. This is due to code being altered and shifted. The reason for the code altering/shifting is due to the fact on the real hardware, there were some issues causing the map engine to slow down that the emulator wasn't showing. This is a simple fix.

We hope you enjoy the update(s)!


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