Hello and happy Friday! Get ready for some hot spanking brand new emulation news!
Dolphin SVN r7670
anti-minimize workaround (MainWindowPosX/Y = -32000 prob)"
HalfNES v0.037

"-Fixed Guardian Legend, Dizzy's Adventure, others (APU interrupt bugs again)
-Improved performance of sprite rendering code
-Fixed broken Reset option in menu
Current known broken games: Break Time, Big Nose Freaks Out, Bigfoot"
iMAME4all experimental support for iCade Beta 2

"iMAME4All experimental support for iCade Beta 2
Thanks to
Todd Laney
1. Replace mame file included and put on /Applications/iMAME4all.app directory
2. Download iFile or you can also download MyFile if you don't need all the features of iFile (both from Cydia).
3. Navigate to the /Applications folder
4. Click on iMame4all.app (on the name not the arrow)
5. Click on mame (on the arrow, not the name)
6. Click on Permissions. My said 0644 and change it to 0755
7. Tap done.
That's it.
Best way to use iCade with iMAME4All is in fullscreen portrait mode, hit the option button and choose options.
the onscreen controls will fade out when you start using the iCade buttons
to get on screen controls back, just touch the screen.
if the iCade is off (the fake coin slot light is off) just hit an iCade button or move the joystick.
(you must have paired the iCade via bluetooth before)
when the iCade turns off, the SW keyboard may popup and then backdown, this is normal don't be alarmed
DeSmuME SVN r4055

win32: revert korean language patch. korean .rc change removed all non-ascii latin characters. not acceptable. try again without losing them."
PCSX2 SVN r4801

EE: reviewed, simplified and corrected (at least three bugs including issue 1078) left and right loads and stores. Probably a waste since there's a much smarter way to do these.
EE: Put _Rt_ checks back in the load instructions because as silly as it would be we must avoid potentially writing to r0.
EE: Fixed my use of ebx in a load/store implementation (reserved for return address) and changed _deleteEEreg to do what it says when also flushing and changed most uses of _deleteEEreg with the flush parameter set to 1 to _flushEEreg. May introduce or fix bugs."
EMU v1.01 (2011/07/08)
New version has been released. Up to date!
Q4Wine v0.121

- updated winetricks plugin;
- option to make Prefix view unexpanded at startup;
- Polish translation by Frank (nobange);
- interoperability of wineprefixes between q4wine, wibom, vineyard, and winetricks (and maybe playonlinux) BottleSpec;
- German translation by Ron;
- experimental build support for Mac OS X;
- extended virtual desktop resolution list [3150062];
- request for language locale support [3144001 and 3149056];
- Hebrew translation by Yaron Shahrabani;
- Prefix alphabetic sort;
- build on FreeBSD;
- removed embedded fuseiso support (q4wine-mount)"
XM7 (DASH) v1.21.9.0
"The list of changes V1.2L8.0 → V1.2L9.0.
128KB bubble memory module (Unit # 2 / # 3) can not fix the problem had been ejected.
320KB/1MB disk drive # 2 / # 3 only if all non-mounted, so that only two changes to the mounted disk drive and display the file status bar.
320KB/1MB disk drive # 2 / # 3 only if all non-mounted, and restore the disk image file name display in the tape mounted in the caption. (The format of the previous load save state + V1.2L4.2)
measures to remain NULL is not called ResizeStatus hMainWnd.
measures to remain NULL is not called TranslateAccelerator hMainWnd.
ASSERT debugging process, such as organizing some of the source list."
MESS SVN r12171
Expanded ISA8 device so it is possible to add onboard isa devices (no whatsnew)
Example :
MCFG_ISA8_ONBOARD_ADD("mb:isa", "fdc", ISA8_FDC, NULL)
To add onboard floppy"

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