June 10, 2014

Retro Game of the Week 136: Contra Hard Corps (Genesis)

This is one of the best Contra games I've ever played. It does rival with the Contra 3 for the SNES but it has its own feel and wonder. The game comes with very interesting character selection and some amazing levels. There is a lot to love about this awesome Contra entry. Every Contra fan knows that, do you know that? I sure hope so. This may not be Contra 3 but it's definitely something you shouldn't ignore! Konami gem indeed!

The music is fun and action packed. The sounds are alright but could've been better. It still doesn't affect the game in much of a negative way. I do love some of the sound effects when stuff explodes which happens often! 

The game is a beauty to look at. The stages are very detailed and it's definitely one of the better Contra games out especially when you compare it to Contra Force for the NES. The characters have their own unique look and style and it's just a joy to play. It makes me wonder what if the game would've been four players? 

The gameplay is flawless. It's a very tough game just like the early Contra games. You will definitely need to learn the boss' patterns in order to defeat it. It's all about trial and error but best of all, you'll have tons of fun with the experience. 

Contra games are so much fun to pick up and play. They just are a joy to pick up and play through even if you can't finish it in one run. That's the challenge though, can you finish the game without using the elusive Konami code? 

This is one game you must have for the Sega Genesis. It's a must have by all means. You can't say you have a decent Sega Genesis collection without adding this gem to your bookcase. It's a must have! 

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