June 26, 2014

Retro Gaming News: GameCenter CX: Arino no Chousenjou 2 in English now released!

"After years of work from two different groups, the English translation of Retro Game Challenge’s sequel has now been made available to fans worlwide in its 1.1 version! It’s a back-to-back job, which translates menus, dialogues and the entirety of its many, many graphical files. This sequel to 2009’s cult hit published by XSeed Games boasts much of the same features as its predecessor, but greatly expands and refines its concepts, making for the definitive Game Center CX game so far.
After a tentative release last week, this 1.1 version delivers an experience that we believe is the one fans deserve, with utmost attention paid to details. We hope you enjoy it, and in case you want to know more about the game and the patch’s history, make sure to visit the group’s website."


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