October 31, 2012

Retro Game of the Week 123: Castlevania 3 (NES)

This is said to be the best Castlevania for the NES and I do agree with that for once. It's probably the most complete Castlevania for the 8-bit console. I wouldn't say otherwise because there isn't much competition to begin with. You have a humble first game and a total turn around in the sequel. Finally, Konami releases a nice gem to finish off the series before moving to the SNES. Anyways, this game kicks ass in many different ways!

The Castlevania series has always been a hit because of their wonderful sound scores. It doesn't matter which game you are playing, you'll familiarize yourself with the music in no time. The tunes on this game are no different. They are amazing and memorable. The music motivates you to get through the level and find that evil fiend Dracula. Hands down!

The graphics are one of the best for the NES. They are as detailed as they can get. You can't get much for the 8-bit console but then again, some of the most memorable games are for this same console. The game will be a joy for your retro loving eyes. 
The gameplay is one of the best. The game will challenge you along the way but you'll have new allies to help you as well. Be sure to know the basics and be able to balance your team in order to get through the game. The controls are very responsive and don't disappoint. Difficulty has always been a factor on Castlevania games. Konami did a great job at balancing the difficulty level. You won't find it impossible but it won't be an easy ride!
The game is always great to come back to and play on such holidays as Halloween ^_^ It's a classic and classic ultimately mean that you can come back and enjoy it time and again! Ready to hunt for vampires again?

The game itself is a perfect addition for your collection. You can't say much of the negative side of the game because there isn't much. Maybe trying to fuse the Castlevania 2 features within the game would've revolutionized it although other games did it already (Faxanadu, Zelda 2) But it definitely would've been welcomed. 


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