October 25, 2012

Finds 447: SNES Gems plus Virtual Boy Stuff and PC Sealed Game

 Here are a couple of awesome finds from the other day. I decided to hit a couple of thrift stores near my campus and found some pretty wicked finds. Some Virtual Boy stuff, a sealed PC game, and some SNES Gems. Lets go through them.

Here are the SNES games. All three of them cost me ten bucks together. Not a bad deal since two of them can go for 20+ each.

Here is a very awesome PC game. I love picking old PC games especially sealed. It cost me three bucks but man I was able to check it out on eBay and it's quite rare! Good for me!

Finally, here are some Virtual Boy finds. I don't get these that often but they are good to have when you do get them. It's nothing major but a controller, Wario Land, and an AC adapter. Of all the items, the AC adapter is the rarest. I paid 2.95 for all of them. Good for me they were in a bag with a price tag ^_^

XF5700 Mantis (PC)
Virtual Boy controller 
Virtual Boy AC Adapter 
Wario Land (VB)
Contra 3 (SNES)
Mega Man X (SNES)
Super Metroid (SNES)


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