The first Mega Man had a lot of potential which turned out to be the legend we know today. It all started with this simple side scroller game. The game developed into an amazing franchise and you'll definitely feel the tough beginnings it went through. One can relate this game to both Mega Man 9 and 10 for the current gen consoles as it mimics the early beginnings of how tough gameplay could be. Anyways, lets take a look at this awesome game.
The music is what made Capcom games unique at many times during the NES era. You could just listen to a game's music and know it was made by Capcom. The game has very awesome music although not as memorable as other Mega Man games. You'll love the entire soundtrack that's for sure. This is the beginning of something amazing after all.
The graphics are very stable. They are nothing amazing but it does make you feel like if you are in the future. The game looks and feels great overall. There aren't that many weird things off from the game but it wouldn't make any sense since it's from the future. The bad guys are definitely known by many with such simple names as Cut Man and Guts Man.... Yeah, I remember those.
The gameplay is quite tough. This is one of the more difficult Mega Man games out there mainly because there is no Mega buster, no sliding, no E-tanks...I can go on and on. You'll have to use your best Mega skills to get through this. It'll be worth it though!
A game like this is good to return to from time to time especially if you want to have a Mega Man marathon. I had a few of those in the past...they are lots of fun! ^_^ . The game is definitely short enough to get through it in just over an hour so you won't be wasting whole evenings on it. It's Mega Man after all!
The game is the first one of the legendary blue bomber. It's just so much nostalgia to play through it after such a long time. I feel it's a great way to feel the beginnings of things and even look for inspiration. Games like these are legends and we should cherish them even if we don't find them that appealing.

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