August 23, 2012

Finding Miis 014: Got Ten More Miis! WOOT!

So another day on campus and lots of new Miis in my collection. I actually tagged some new ones (about half) and some second tags! They have helped me filled up my puzzles rather quick. Tomorrow is yet another day and I have even included personal messages for them! This is quite interesting! Apparently, there is a Pokemon club on campus...I'm intrigued !


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Daisy said...

Hah awesome! I came across "Chuck Norris" in my campus StreetPass, I didn't know he was studying! lmao.

Tom Badguy said...

...the fuck is a Mii?

famicomfreak said...

@Daisy LMAO! That's pretty funny!

@Tom Badguy It's a little character that you make to represent you! You tag other people that created their own miis and it's a lot of fun!!! ^_^'


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