August 25, 2012

FInds 434: My Two New Gadgets! PS Vita and 3DS XL!!

An awesome day of new additions and what additions these are!! Enter PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS XL! I think it was time for me to move on to better things so I got rid of my old 3DS and upgraded to this one. As for the Vita, I didn't had PSP(Well I do but it's in my storage and I'm not going to go in there and look for it) But it was a total new addition. I also picked up Gravity Rush which looked like an amazing game. The dude at Gamestop let me tried it out first! Totally awesome!! That game and another game I'm looking for at the moment should hold me over till 11/20/2012 which is the day Persona 4 Golden is released!! SO EXCITED!! It's great to be excited about video games once again! As for the 3DS XL I'm so impressed at how improved it is from the previous one. The screen is just amazing to look at and makes your gaming experience even better! Now, I need some new games for it but that can wait as I'm still in the middle of some games for it. Furthermore, the handheld sure makes you feel like you have an awesome new piece of hardware with you, well an improved one. It's totally beautiful and man it's great to be able to get a red one again as my first ever DS handheld which was the lite ended up being of the same color combination. I can't wait to play some games in it!! Excited huh? Yes? I am!! AHHHHHH!!!

I took this pic the moment I got in my car from purchasing it!! AHHHHHHHHH Such a wonderful feeling!! ^_^

I'm still confused on what the Vita can do but hey! I got a game and that's all that matters. I shall discover it and will be ready for Persona 4 Golden this November!! EXCITEMENT TO THE MAX!!!

Nintendo 3DS XL RED
PS Vita Handheld
Gravity Rush (PS Vita)


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Tom Badguy said...

I'd totally love to get a Vita and then hack it. But it's a bit too pricey right now, IMO

ti said...

So jelly right now...

famicomfreak said...

Yeah, I got a deal on the PS Vita and I traded in my old 3DS for this brand spanking new one ^_^ I didn't paid much in the end. I'm ready for Persona 4 Golden!!!


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