Dolphin Git 3.0-77
"* disable ltcg for release build
* vs2010: Disable LTCG for realz
* Fix various cases in scissor rect emulation.
Patch by delroth.
* apply to dx9 and dx11 backends as well
* Merge some scissor rect related code to VideoCommon.
* Merge branch 'scissoring-fixed'
Fixes various cases in scissor rect emulation. This should fix glitches in various games, right now it's only known to (partially) fix Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings.
Fix by delroth, port to D3D9/11 by godisgovernment, cleanup by me."
Fceux SVN r2226

* Total overhaul of JumpToFrame function and of TryDumpIncremental routine (logging savestates), now TAS Editor is more stable
* replay.cpp: fixed bug when trying to open Replay without having ROM loaded"
PCSX2 SVN r4912

portaudio: Update codebase from svn 1723 to svn 1748.
Notable changes:
- fixed latency calculations for some modules
- improved stability of the internal ringbuffer
- added float32<->uint8 sample conversion
GSdx: CRC Hacks: Yakuza 1/2 - remove blur.
Reminder: See r4894 if you wish to disable specific CRC hacks."
MESS SVN r12799
[TDV2324] Added floppy softlist. [JonasP]
PASOPIA7 - modernised.
vii -Fixed some interrupt handling (no whatsnew)
vii - Better timer handling (no whatsnew)
vii - Some more WIP (no whatsnew)
OSBORNE1 - modernised
"English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar!"
Hand-checked the most popular English word misspellings and made the appropriate changes. Nearly all of the changes made were in commented areas. (no whatsnew)"
FourDO v1.0.6.2 Alpha r204

DirectX9 isn't so hard to figure out after all
Improved gamepad compatibility and added a couple UI features (mouse hiding and ability to change void area background)
Fixing bug with serialization which failed when binding sets had no items.
1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.5

"New and improved speed hacks
1.improved game sound quality by increasing audio cycle and reducing audio delay
* fix Star Fox(U) cracking sound from using 1964Audio
* fix Pokemon Stadium 2 cracking sound when using CF1 or 2 with 1964Audio
2.improved frame speedup algorithm
* based on Video and R4300i resource usage level
* complements the frameskipping algorithm
3.improved frameskipping algorithm
* based on Video and R4300i resource usage level
* shorten black screen display during scene transition
- Perfect Dark
- Star Wars - Shadow of the Empire
- Donkey Kong
- 007 - GoldenEye etc
4.improved audio counter synchronization
* fix Top Gear Rally missing sound/flickering video (BGM=10,SFX=2,volume=high)
* improve South Park Rally intro audio and video synchronization (98%)
5.improved existing timer counter speed hack
* reduce counter targets check for immediate timer counter countdown
6.tweak the Audio and Video "k" value
Remove Azimer old fix for Banjo-Kazooie
Change default input plugin to "NRage_DInput8_V2_2.1a.dll"
Replace "UsingInternalVideo" with an emuoptions and codes cleanup
Fix Rom Browser window with zero column enabled on initial 1964mod startup
* the first 5 columns of Rom Browser window will be automatically enabled on emu startup
Fix old gui timer which timeout easily which last for entire emu session
* create new gui timer for each game session
* kill new gui timer at the end of each game session"
WiiMC v1.2.0

"- Synced to MPlayer r34053 and libav 5938e0218543
- Adjusted DVD drive ID detection - fixes drives that stopped working"
QMC2 SVN r3172

new: icons are now also supported for all MESS targets
doc: change-log correction
imp: also try to identify icons in sub-dirs (when loading from ZIP)
fix: hidden tag-marks when recreating the game/machine-list"
iMAME4all v1.9

"• key delay on game selection - eases game selection. (Currently only works on safe render).
• added option to set Sound defaults
• added option to choose iCade or iControlPad layout
• sleep processor between inputs on game select screen, previously CPU ran at constantly at 100%, now idles so better battery life.
• Fixed multiple key presses problem
• sound initialisation fixes
• Added ARMv7 exe for 3GS and later devices, speed boost for some games."
OpenBOR v3.0 Build 3420

In 2004, Senile Team released Beats of Rage, a free beat-'em-up for DOS inspired by SEGA's Streets of Rage series and using sprites from SNK Playmore's King of Fighters series. The game spread only by word of mouth, but it nonetheless amassed popularity very quickly. Senile Team soon released an edit pack allowing anyone interested to create a mod for the BOR engine. In 2005, Kirby2000 asked Senile Team to open the source code to BOR. They agreed, and OpenBOR was born. Development on the engine was continued by the community, and still is to this day.
Heres whats new:
r3420 | utunnels | 2011-09-04 22:42:51 -0400 (Sun, 04 Sep 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
AI character more tolerable to player_min_z and player_max_z, if they hit the two point vertically, they'll turn to the opposite direction instead of choosing a random direction that leads out side the screen.
r3419 | utunnels | 2011-09-04 21:12:04 -0400 (Sun, 04 Sep 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
Optimize rgb gif copying speed a bit.
r3418 | utunnels | 2011-09-04 13:17:46 -0400 (Sun, 04 Sep 2011) | 9 lines
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/anigif.c
M /engine/source/gamelib/anigif.h
Update anigif.c to enable multiple gif players.
playgif now support true color by combining 3 gifs into 1.
For example:
animation data\scenes\water.gif
If waterr.gif and waterg.gif and waterb.gif are all present, and video mode is 16 or 32bit, this feature is enabled automatically.
r3417 | utunnels | 2011-09-04 02:20:47 -0400 (Sun, 04 Sep 2011) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /engine/openbor.c
Add argument list length checking in defense and offense command.
Project64k v0.32

"Whats new for version 0.32
- New Project64k loader with graphic choosing and directory setup (to make everything simple for new users, just use default settings and load the full version and you wont have to set anything your self.
- Delete Boom free ram file
- Updated RDB
- Updated CHT file
- Updated Logo
- Full Project64k 0.32 comes with roms already set in the rom folder, just run the loader correctly then refresh rom list.
- Updated netplay client"
NesDS v0.56a

"Sound update.
Sprites update.
A bug of Memory fixed.
Palette sync added, click Menu > Game > Display > OnOrOff to change. More info, see the 'About'.
Pal sync needed:Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, Micro Machines, Wizards & Warriors, Feng Shen Bang."
MAME v0.143u5

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02700: [Speed] pocketrc: game runs too fast (hap)
- 04477: [Documentation] naomi: Duplicate File entries in each set in
driver (Tafoid)
- 04475: [Graphics] quizmeku: Missing gfx (M.A.S.H.)
- 03641: [Graphics] sspirits, gground: Only half of the game's frames
are rendered. (M.A.S.H.)
- 03195: [Gameplay] crkdown: graphic artifacts and speed drop during
gameplay (M.A.S.H.)
- 00961: [Sound] raidena: Some music channels go out of sync after a
while. (Kold666)
- 04397: [HLSL] MAME freezes with a hlsl .ini file. (MooglyGuy)
Source Changes
Implemented double buffering and improved colors for 3d in Top Landing
[Angelo Salese]
naomi.c: Added rev "A" Japan BIOS, original Korean BIOS as well as rev
"D" Korea [gamerfan, Smitdogg, BrianT, The Dumping Union]
armedf.c: Verified correct sprite roms for Terra Force (Japan)
dday.c: Added dipswitch locations to the D-Day sets
[Corrado Tomaselli, Brian Troha]
m68k: Preliminary support for MC68340 (CPU32). Reorganized to
facilitate C++ conversion. [David Haywood]
m68k: use 68340 instruction table for 68340, cpXXX instructions are
020/030 only, add CINV, CPUSH stubs for 040 [R. Belmont]
Add comment about new raiden2 rom combination, add missing pals as
undumped, fix IC locations on several sets.
[Lord Nightmare, Hammad, EdCosta]
Various HLSL fixes: [Ryan Holtz, Bat Country Entertainment]
* Created two flags, -hlsl_ini_write and -hlsl_ini_read. The former
enables custom HLSL INI writing explicitly, the other enables
loading of the same.
* Fixed disappearing aperture effect when using custom INI files.
* Fixed diagonal seam on some games, for serious real this time
* Fixed phosphor simulation, now works as expected
model3.c: Redumped Spikeout FE. Special thanks to Phil Bennett & Bart
Trzynadlowski for verifying and testing the redumped roms. [Dr.
Spankenstein, wild eyed, Paratech, Layne, Lord Flux, atchoo, cbt,
gatt9, tormod, BrianT, The Dumping Union]
only report samples audit result for sets with required samples
[Fabio Priuli]
fixed segfault when using -verifysamples [Fabio Priuli]
floppy: Refactor slightly. Name, descrition, etc are now an intrinsic
property of converters. [O. Galibert]
Added some Stern Whitestar older revisions [Miodrag Milanovic]
Preliminary work at the projection calculation for 3d eye-space points
in Air Inferno [Angelo Salese, Andrew Gardner]
es5503: converted to modern device, improved IRQ timing [R. Belmont]
C352: don't try to play zero-length samples [Phil Bennett]
M377xx improvements
* Respect the restored mode bits for PUL [hap, R. Belmont]
* Proper cycle counts for PSH/PUL [R. Belmont]
* Fixed flags for multiply/division and divide by 0 interrupt [hap]
* Pass program bank to debugger hook so breakpoints work outside
of bank 0 [R. Belmont]
* Fixed interrupt flags for internal peripherals, corrected
BBC/BBS when running outside of bank 0 [R. Belmont]
* Several other interrupt timing and priority fixes [hap]
whitestar: make modern, add sound system. no work on main CPU part
yet. [R. Belmont]
floppy: Add brand-new MFI (MESS floppy image) support. [O. Galibert]
mfi: Fix the format thanks to smf's help [O. Galibert]
amigafdc: Modernize, but don't change a thing (yet) [O. Galibert]
floppy: Change the internal format to use magnetic cells. Temporarily
move the full-track pll bit extraction in the amiga fdc. [O. Galibert]
st_dsk: Add the easy ST formats [O. Galibert]
tempest.c: Corrected the rom labels, description and documentation for
the revised hardware rev 3 of Tempest. Added dipswitch locations for
the Tempest sets. [Brian Troha]
globalfr: filled in a little more of the memory map [R. Belmont]
Yet more Neo-Geo work on game ROMs structures [Johnboy]
* Continued to document used pcb's for cartridges
* More removal of .bin extension in favour of chiplabel.socketlabel
naming convention
* Added correct v1 to pulstar
* Corrected layout of pgoal according to original cart
Added redumped c1/c2 and v1 to quizdaisk [DsNo]
Various changes and improvements to the Chihiro emulation
[Samuele Zannoli]
* modifies the ide device (idectrl.c) so it supports cases where it
is not connected to an hard disk, but to some different hardware
* adds PC devices 8259 pic, 8253 pit, ide controller
* adds "chihiro" command with subcommands "jamdis", "dump_string",
"dump_process", "dump_list", "help"
* updates the smbus controller and adds stubs for the pic16lc,
cx25871, eeprom smbus devices
* updates the memory map for the newly added devices
* fixes the size of the "others" region
* adds hack for the missing dump of the smbus eeprom
Decoded graphics in gigaman2 [iq_132]
Hooked up sound, fixed layer offsets in ppan [iq_132]
Fixed graphics glitches in speedspn on character select screen
Fixed layer enable in cninjabl, giving it working status [iq_132]
New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Ridge Racer 2
Free Kick [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
New clones added
1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, Rev B) [Foul]
Rad Rally (Japan) [Arcadecomponents.com]
The King of Fighters '97 (Korean release) [DsNo]
New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Fighting Bujutsu [Ville Linde, R. Belmont]"

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