September 05, 2011

Emulation News 158: Updates for 9-5-11

Lets start the week off with some awesome emulation news. Happy Labor Day!

GameEx v12.09

"Fixes not all MAME categories showing.
Updated Italian translation by AlphaUMi and updated Spanish translation by Evilforces. Thanks guys."


Jpcsp SVN r2300

Reworked and adapted sceFont module to support the reflection magic changes.
Initiated work on DLC content support:
- Partially implemented several functions in the scePspNpDrm_user module;
- Improved and corrected DRM MAC encryption in CryptoEngine;
- Implemented SPRX module loading;
- Added partial EDAT file handling (still disabled). "


MESS SVN r12792

MZ80 - modernised. mz80a - fixed scrolling, added missing spacebar key.
PASOPIA7 - fixed crash at start and general weirdness.
msx software list wip update (nw)"


QMC2 SVN r3168

fix: avoid unintentional tagging of sub-items of the master-list
imp: updated redistributed Qt translations from Qt 4.7.4
new: for ZIP-archived icons (actually the only practical way to store
them) support for ICO format has been added
fix: corrected reg-exp for *.ico/*.png loading of icons from ZIP"


Atari800macX v4.5.0

"Features Added/Changed:
- Added ability to change sound volume in the application through the sound menu or key combos
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed issues with some TAB and ESC not being able to be entered in the emulator as well as some international key sequences."


Speccy v1.7.5 for Android

"System ROM files are no longer required.
Soundtrack recording to MIDI.
Accelerometer support.
Bigger virtual keyboard and corner buttons.
Sony Xperia Play buttons are fully supported now.
Fixed TV scanlines effect.
Fixed accidental crashes when exiting emulation.
Synced Speccy to 50Hz, due to Spectrum´s primarily PAL hardware.
Mapped unused physical keyboard keys to the FIRE button.
Screenshots-on-exit now optional."


1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.2

"- Try out some Audio changes
* fix Top Gear Rally missing sound/flickering video (BGM=10,SFX=2,volume=high)
* fix Pokemon Stadium 2 cracking sound when using CF1 or 2 with 1964Audio
* improve South Park Rally intro audio and video synchronization (98%)
- Improve existing timer speed hack
- Tweak the Audio and Video "k" value
- Remove Azimer old fix for Banjo-Kazooie
- Enhance frame limiter speedup stability and add new immediate timer counter countdown check
- Change default input plugin to "NRage_DInput8_V2_2.1a.dll"
- Replace "UsingInternalVideo" with an emuoptions and codes cleanup
- Fix Rom Browser window with zero column enabled on initial 1964mod startup
* the first 5 columns of Rom Browser window will be automatically enabled on emu startup
- Fix old gui timer which timeout easily which last for entire emu session
* create new gui timer for each game session
* kill new gui timer at the end of each game session"


PCSX2 SVN r4910

USBqemu: upgrade qemu core from version 0.12.5 to 0.15. Now its up to date with the latest qemu release.
USBqemu: Fix release build.
USBqemu: Forgot Devel exists ... xD
USBqemu: Some small changes to init & savestates. The savestates are still incomplete though.
pcsx2:linux: disable thread timing information. It seems to work only with eglibc (debian/ubuntu)
linux: clean various linux file into 1 directory
cmake: automatically install desktop/doc/xpm file in package mode as requested by Rafael
debian: align on latest change
pcsx2: restore linux thread timing. pthread_getcpuclockid failed to check the validy of thread ID..."


FourDO SVN r201

DirectX9 isn't so hard to figure out after all"


zBoy v0.50

"- zBoy has been entirely rewritten in C language, using SDL for input, video and timing routines,
- Added support for 8x graphic scaling (which ends up with a game resolution of 1280x1152),
- Added support for screensaver inhibition under Windows (--NOSCREENSAVER),
- Palette customization has been hardcoded into zBoy (no support for external palette files anymore, but you can choose an alternative palette from a predefined set of palettes),
- Fixed the time adjustment routine (it doesn´t speeds up over 100% of normal game speed after being late for some time),
- Replaced the EPX graphic filter by Scale2x (slightly faster), and renamed EPX3 by Scale3x (which is the technically correct name),
- Made the Scale2x scaling the default one,
- Dropped DOS support,
- Dropped fullscreen support,
- Fixed the ADC opcode emulation (wasn´t setting the C flag when carry from bit 7)
this made all the Megaman serie playable,
- Fixed the SBC opcode emulation (wasn´t setting the C and H flags properly),
- Implemented the gameboy type checking via the FF00h joypad register,
- Added the possibility to disable the graphic "Window" used in many games (by default under the F3 key),
- Fixed a bug in IRQ generated by the coincidence register
was generating several IRQs in one scanline (now it generates only one IRQ for a matching scanline)
- this made the intro of Prince of Persia working."


GiiBiiAdvance v0.1.0

"This is what I’ve been working on since last summer, and I think it is a quite good program right now. It is just another GBA emulator, just like VisualBoyAdvance, and it emulates the same: GB, GBC, SGB and GBA.

I’ve used the GB, GBC and SGB emulation code from GiiBii, so GiiBiiAdvance has the same compatibility (a bit more, i’ve changed a bit of SGB emulation code). GBA emulation is, on the other hand, not really high. I mean, lots of roms work, but some of them just show a black screen, or hang when you try to start the game from the menu… Everything of GBA is emulated (except the serial port), but there are bugs I can’t find, I’ll work on it until I get a better compatibility. Of course, it emulates all save chips, but some saves aren’t compatible with other emulators. It will try to guess the save type if it can’t detect it from the rom. It lets you take screenshots, and GBprinter output is saved as a png image. GBcamera is not emulated yet, though, so if you want to play with that rom, use GiiBii.

There is also a quite good debugger, with a dissasembler, memory viewer, I/O ports viewer, tile viewer, map viewer, palette viewer and sprite viewer. They are different in GBx and GBA mode. If you are playing a SGB game, there is also a SGB things viewer. I have to make it easy to dump/save things, right now it only lets you watch. So… here are some screens:"


Fceux SVN r2225

* added "Follow playback" in View menu
* "<<" button now jumps to the beginning of greenzone
* changing currFrameCounter doesn't reset selection anymore
* fixed "Select All" function"



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