September 07, 2011

Emulation News 160: Updates for 9-7-11

Here are today's updates! Come and get 'em !!

MameUI v0.143u5

"- Mame v0.143u5"


1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.6

"Try out some changes to timer event codes
* fix Banjo-Tooie(U) random intro cutscene hang
* fix Body Harvest intro / in-game hang (no need to use RAW input)
Fix a regression bug in ListView column items from an earlier BoxArt fix
Enhance ListView Column checks using status info from ini
Enhance GameName column detection using status info from ini
Enhance emu window placement and sizing stability and robustness"


Fceux SVN r2227

* red lines for lag frames, "Show lag frames" in View menu,
* "||" button also cancels turbo-seeking
* different method of accounting tweakCount: increment once per greenzone invalidation"


Jpcsp SVN r2301

Fixed InvocationTargetException in sceKernelChangeThreadPriority when called with an invalid priority value."


FourDO SVN r205

Potential fix for NVidia graphics cards"


BlueMSXBox v6

"What's New:

Check the Latest-Bluemsx.txt file for the latest update info. From now on it will have the latest info and this file will contain the changelog/older update information."


RomManager MAME Dats v0.143u5


PCE/ibmpc v2.1

"* ibmpc: Better support the PC/XT 5160.
* ibmpc: Add a new monitor command "log int" to log interrupt calls.
* ibmpc: Add FDC emulation.
* ibmpc: The CPU speed can now be set to 0, meaning "all out".
* ibmpc: Experimental sound support (speaker only).
* macplus: Add Macintosh SE emulation.
* macplus: Add Macintosh Classic emulation.
* macplus: Experimental sound support.
* macplus: Reimplement the sony driver.
* 8086: Fix the int 0 return address.
* 8086: Fix overflow detection for the IDIV and DIV instructions.
* config: A complete rewrite of the config file parser.
* block: Add a new block driver which handles PCE (.pfdc), Teledisk (.td0) and ImageDisk (.imd) floppy disk image files.
* block: Add "pfdc", a program to manipulate floppy disk image files.
* block: Add a new block driver for QED image files.
* block: Add support for Apple Disk Copy 4.2 image files.
* cga: Support the CGA start address in graphics modes.
* vga: Support the vertical retrace interrupt.
* vga: Support the IBM VGA BIOS.
* sdl: Fix SDL mouse grabbing.
* sdl: Fix entering and leaving full screen mode."


PCE/macplus v2.1

"* ibmpc: Better support the PC/XT 5160.
* ibmpc: Add a new monitor command "log int" to log interrupt calls.
* ibmpc: Add FDC emulation.
* ibmpc: The CPU speed can now be set to 0, meaning "all out".
* ibmpc: Experimental sound support (speaker only).
* macplus: Add Macintosh SE emulation.
* macplus: Add Macintosh Classic emulation.
* macplus: Experimental sound support.
* macplus: Reimplement the sony driver.
* 8086: Fix the int 0 return address.
* 8086: Fix overflow detection for the IDIV and DIV instructions.
* config: A complete rewrite of the config file parser.
* block: Add a new block driver which handles PCE (.pfdc), Teledisk (.td0) and ImageDisk (.imd) floppy disk image files.
* block: Add "pfdc", a program to manipulate floppy disk image files.
* block: Add a new block driver for QED image files.
* block: Add support for Apple Disk Copy 4.2 image files.
* cga: Support the CGA start address in graphics modes.
* vga: Support the vertical retrace interrupt.
* vga: Support the IBM VGA BIOS.
* sdl: Fix SDL mouse grabbing.
* sdl: Fix entering and leaving full screen mode."


Final Burn Consoles v1.2

"- Added the following NeoGeo CD conversion sets:
Top Player's Golf
Sengoku / Sengoku Denshou
Ghost Pilots
Puzzled / Joy Joy Kid
2020 Super Baseball
Street Hoop / Street Slam / Dunk Dream
Puzzle Bobble / Bust-A-Move (Neo-Geo)
Idol Mahjong - final romance 2
Zintrick / Oshidashi Zentrix
Last Hope
- Added unreleased Neo Geo games that have AES specific options and/ormodes.
- Updated sets and names.
- Added alpha transparency to previews.
- Fixed General Options menu.
- Fixed Ironclad default BIOS setting."


Dolphin Git 3.0-79

"* Fix various pixel shader compilation errors caused by the Direct3D shader compiler going nuts due to uninitialized (and unused) shader variables.
git-svn-id: 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
* Gameini database update. Addition of cheats for a couple of games, compatibility fixes/updates for F-zero GX, WAVE RACE / BLUE STORM, 1080: Avalanche, Dragon Ball: RKP, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, NO MORE HEROES 1&2, Another Code R, Xenoblade Chronicles (fixes some random crashes/glitches), Mystery Case Files: The Malgrave Incident (fixes Issue 4723).
Also update for Greek language."


QMC2 SVN r3174

new: added a 'save configuration' button to the file chooser
fix: the file chooser's splitter sizes weren't correctly restored under
some circumstances"


MESS v0.143u5


New System Drivers Supported:

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Skeleton drivers:

System Driver Changes:
- kc: Added emulation of D002 BUS Driver expansion. [Sandro Ronco]
- kc: Added emulation of D004 Floppy Disk Interface. [Sandro Ronco]
- fmtowns: Added interval timer 2, and 6-button controller support. [Barry Rodewald]
- amigafdc: Modernize, but don't change a thing (yet) [O. Galibert]
- nc: Added NC150 Italian bios. [Roberto Carlos Fernandez Gerhardt]

Software Lists:
- mpz80: Added Micronix 1.3/1.4 to softlist. [Al Kossow]
- vsmile.xml: added a new softlist for some v.disc dumps [Team Europe]
- tdv2324: Added floppy softlist. [JonasP]

Source Changes:
- floppy: Refactor slightly. Name, descrition, etc are now an
intrinsic property of converters. [O. Galibert]

- floppy: Add brand-new MFI (MESS floppy image) support. [O. Galibert]

- floppy: Change the internal format to use magnetic cells. Temporarily
move the full-track pll bit extraction in the amiga fdc. [O. Galibert]

- st_dsk: Add the easy ST formats [O. Galibert]"


MESS SVN r12806

msx softlist Japanese name fixes (nw)
aes: updated to match MAME sets.
st_dsk: fix stupid bug (nw)
Sync with MAME r13794 (no whatsnew)
Update messnew to 0.143u5 (no whatsnew)
Fixed messnew (no whatsnew)
PASO1600 - modernised."



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