September 01, 2011

Emulation News 154: Updates for 9-1-11

So a new month is finally here and we are ready to start fresh! Lets start with some wonderful emulation news.

multiMAN v02.05.00

"* Added: SIDE menu in XMMB mode to access various functions (access the menu with [TRIANGLE])
* Added: SIDE menu option for XMMB Settings column to switch between ADVANCED and STANDARD settings
* Added: SIDE menu function "UPDATE" Showtime in XMMB Video column when "Start Showtime" is selected
* Added: SIDE menu function "UPDATE" in XMMB RETRO column to check/download EMULATOR updates by squarepusher2
* Added: Option in XMMB Settings to change SIDE menu background color
* Changed: UPDATE function in GAME SETTINGS menu will not download updates for higher than your current PS3 firmware version
* Changed: UPDATE function in GAME SETTINGS can now check/download updates for SNES/FCEU/VBA/FBA/GEN+ Emulators by squarepusher2
* Changed: All options in the XMMB Settings column are now selectable via the SIDE menu (much like in the regular XMB mode)
* Added: Option in XMMB Settings column: [Write access to /dev_flash via /dev_blind]
* Added: Permissions check upon loading a title
* Added: VP6 file extension to recognizable video formats
* Added: Support for browsing USB devices and Internal HDD in XMMB Photo, Music, Video and Retro columns
* Added: Larger icons when browsing devices in XMMB mode
* Added: Indication in "browse mode" when playing music (a note sign will appear next to Device or Folder icon)"


WinUAE v2.3.3 Beta 6

"- added "statefile_name" configuration file entry, sets default statefile name (normally "default.uss")
- fixed jittery raw mouse movement
- resolution autoswitch should now work correctly, no more strange centering without autoscale.
- analog stick mapped as a mouse had wrong and unstable speed
- rarely used configuration entries were only supposed to be written if they had non-default value. re-saving configuration will reduce size of most config files. Older bug.
- "Integer scaling" visible in GUI (AF specific feature originally), selects biggest integer scaling ratio that still fits on screen
- "VSync (new)" renamed to "Low latency VSync"
- Input panel configuration #1-#3 can be renamed by manually editing config file (
- GUI allows FPU in cycle exact modes. Not much point but if you really want to enable it.. "


MESS SVN r12753

mfi: Fix the format thanks to smf's help [O. Galibert]
[MPZ80] Added Micronix 1.3/1.4 to softlist. [Al Kossow]
[MPZ80] Added remaining known dumps to softlist. (nw)
amigafdc: Modernize, but don't change a thing (yet) [O. Galibert] "


Fceux SVN r2222

Added 4 pads support; also now current frame is shown by blue line; minor cleanups. "


DOSBox SVN r3751

Keep track of last written character instead of previous character in buffer. This allow handling of leading and single newlines.
Call int 0xe when resetting a disk. Fixes a keydisk workaround algorithm. (thanks ripsaw) "


Glitch64 SVN r248

Minor code cleanup. "


Speak & Spell 1978 Simulator v3.23.o91

"--Updated the HTML manual.(Ver.3.23)
--Extended the limit day for use.(Ver.3.23.091 or later) "


PCSX2 SVN r4895

GSdx: bypass (prevent) some crashes.
Important: this is not a fix of the cause of the crashes, it just bypasses cases of sure crash. Once that spot is bypassed, things can go wrong elsewhere. Generally, however, things just continue normally. E.g. GT4 (camera changes), Tourist Trophy (camera changes), MGS3 (codec screen when CRC hacks are disabled) and probably more - now don't crash anymore, even at high resolution (but might still get some slowdowns). "


Altirra 2.0 Test 35

"It was caused by some under-the-hood changes I'd made to move toward some additional cassette support. Note that this version has some accuracy improvements for disk I/O as well.

> 1) add please possibility to load into the emulator palette files *.act and *.pal.
> It is possible to add the button "import".

I've previously already said why this is problematic.

> You have a fine utility "PASTE" which allows to insert any text or the program написаную on BASIC into the emulator.
> However you do not have utility operating on the contrary, allowing to keep the text in a file.

Two ways:
1) Enable Hard Disk (H:), and do: LIST "H:FILE.TXT". You can also do ENTER to read it back in, or LOAD/SAVE for binary format.
2) Enable the Printer Output window and then do "LIST P:". This will only work if you do not have control characters (inverse).

PCLink will work too, but is a very roundabout way of doing so since you will have to boot SpartaDOS X + PCLINK.SYS first.

> What kind of dialogue number 160?

This is a generic progress dialog. It is currently used when loading a .WAV file tape takes a long time, but can be used for more things in the future. The text for it comes from code. I have been meaning to look at solutions to make localization easier but haven't gotten around to it yet (localization is hard, Atari is easier). In the meantime, if you extract resource.h from the file, it contains the original program names for those IDs."



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