September 01, 2011

Playing Then, Playing Now 001: 3DS Madness

So this is where I'll be talking about what I'm gaming on during the week. You can criticize all you want but this is my gaming ritual so might as well respect it.

With my acquisition of the 3DS I got the Poke-bug urge to play the game again. Actually, to continue playing it till the end and boy did I game the fuck out of it. I was able to finish it and able to discover that there is even more to do. I won't go into details as the "second" part of the game is not yet accomplished but I would love to transfer my Pokemon from Heart Gold....Why did I sold my fat DS? Ugh, it's coming back to bite me in the ass.

So after beating Pokemon White I continued with my quest in Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. The game is great to look at and packed with adventure. I have been able to defeat the first two bosses and just headed to Zora's Domain. I haven't picked up the game due to work and other stuff but will definitely continue my quest as soon as tonight! I have never played this game so it should be an interesting first time adventure. My Zelda 3D virginity has been taken!

In other news, I have been able to finally pick up some people in my Mii Plaza. I headed to the mall and without noticing picked up a couple of foreigners. I said foreigners because both of them were from Spain. One of them had the Nintendo Eshop as a favorite title while the other had PES (Should have guessed) And that's that. I'm happy to finally have two other people in my Plaza.


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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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