September 15, 2011

Finds 329: Massive Madness!!!! CDX is mine!!

I couldn't have asked for a better return to the hunt! I was able to kill and find all of this amazing stuff! There is a little bit of everything including a CDX! Yeah, that's right! Totally awesomeness AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Lets start with these two games right here which I bought for five bucks. 2.50 each is not bad you know!

I got that gamecube game and game for five dollars and three dollars respectively!

The two gameboy games I got from Play n Trade. Bonk was 9.99 and Adventure Island was 4.99. The two Turbo Grafx games were five bucks together!

I got Shinobi 3 for two dollars while the pirate carts were two dollars each. The Bust a Move 99 was a dollar! Love Bust a Move!

I got all these PS1 titles for ten bucks! Good resales for sure!!

I got each of these for a dollar each. The Vagrant story had the demo only but guess what? I opened the Yu-gi-oh! Game to find the Vagrant Story disc in it! Crazy luck huh?

I got these games for 3.99 each! Love boxed NES goodness!! I came!!

I saved the best for last! I got this CDX with one game for sixteen bucks!! I TOTALLY CAME WITH THIS FIND AND MADE THE TRIP WORTH IT!! It's so awesomeeeeeeee

So that's about it. What a way to return to the hunt! I will surely have lots of new hunts in the coming weeks! Stay tuned for more amazingness! I'm so psyched!!! Until next time!!!
Poy Poy (PS1)
Punky Skunk (PS1)
Crash Bandicoot Warped (PS1)
Bust a Move 4 (PS1)
Spyro Ripto's Rage (PS1)
Oddworld (PS1)
Yu-gi-oh! Forbidden Memories (PS1)
Vagrant Story (PS1)
Legacy of the Wizard (NES)
Hydlide (NES)
Ultima Exodus (NES)
Baten Kaitos Origins (GC)
Batman & Robin (
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe (PS3)
God of War 3 (PS3)
Davis Cup Tenis (Turbo Grafx)
Dragon Spirit (Turbo Grafx)
Bonk's Revenge (Gameboy)
Adventure Island (Gameboy)
Power Joy 008 (Famicom)
64 in 1 (Famicom)
Bust a Move 99 (PS1)
Shinobi 3 (Genesis)
CDX Console with Cables and Controllers (CDX)
Sega Classics (Sega CD)


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