September 02, 2011

Emulation News 155: Updates for 9-2-11

Hello and happy weekend! Lets get started with some news, emulation news that is!

MESS SVN r12766

Made read,write member handler use same names as in other devices (no whatsnew)
mfi: This is going to converge eventually, honest [O. Galibert]
sync es5503 update from MAME (nw)
clear regions to avoid warning (nw)
sg1000.xml: added some new sc3000 educational dumps (thx smspower). no whatsnew.
vsmile.xml: added a new softlist for some v.disc dumps [Team Europe]

out of whatsnew: these won't be emulated anytime soon (we don't even have a bios dump),
but this is no reason for the dumps to get lost ;)
Fix compile (no whatsnew) "


Glitch64 SVN r250

Remove hack for frame buffer pixel's size calculation. Get the size from VI_STATUS_REG.
Fix issue 170: Screenshot truncation. "


MedGui v1.998

"- In snaps window add a command to rename propely a snaps with a appropriate name for MedGui
- Added a check to the name of the file in the snaps folder, now snaps preview rename file properly
- Add a snaps button in advance mode
- Add a "temp file rom browser" button (only for 7zip and rar file)
- Add a check to prevent the delete of file contained in temp_rom folder
- Fixed a bug with rom audio file (gsf, psf etc)
- In rom selector added a command to launch a rom by double click sx mouse
- In audio converter add a simple audio player by perform a double click sx mouse button in a selected file "


ZXMAK.NET v2.0.0.0 Alpha

"Alexander Makeev has unearthed the source code that slept since 2008. He rewrote the main loop and the GUI. Then he put a lot of things in the trash. Besides the user interface is currently quite minimal. Rewriting the rendering engine."



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