September 08, 2011

Emulation News 161: Updates for 9-8-11

Here are today's updates! Enjoy!



DOSBox SVN r3752

small recompiler fixes (missing host fpu usage check; assembler output update) and enhancements"


Jpcsp SVN r2302

Savedata: do not use a default save name "-000" when no save name is defined."


PCSX2 SVN r4915

cmake: fix some linking issue with gold linker (AFAIK only fedora use it for the moment)
GSdx: New: Dynamic CRC Hacks system (disabled by default).
See tools/dynacrchack/DynaCrcHack.c for full instructions.
For development of CRC hacks (and just for the fun of creating such a system), Allows GSdx to load and use CRC hack logic from an external DLL, and reload it, at runtime, whenever this DLL changes (but act normally if this DLL isn't found).
This external DLL is compiled from a single C source file (a sample is provided, containing the current MGS3 CRC hack logic). There's also a system to automatically compile this C file into the DLL whenever the C file is modified, thus creating a system of instant [save C file] -> [GSdx switches to the new logic].
It's actually a pretty cool system, and might have other usages where it's useful, for the sake of tests/development/tweaking, to modify code logic during runtime. The overhead of such system compared to pre-compiled code is very low (e.g., in the case of CRC hacks which are called thousands of times/sec, I couldn't notice any difference in performance).
Compilation of the C file is currently done using TCC (Tiny C Compiler - - extremely fast, light and powerful). TCC itself needs to be downloaded separately (~250K download, no install required). The system currently supports Windows only.
Oops. Now it's disabled by default ;)"


FourDO v1.0.6.3 Alpha (r206)

Ready for Also fixed a bug with the "none" void area pattern."


MAME Plus! Plus Kaillera v0.143u5 r83



MESS SVN r12813

PALM - partly modernised.
PC100 - modernised.
PV1000 - modernised.
PV2000 - modernised.
Added missing bits in isa_fdc for disk change handling (no whatsnew)
ibm5170 - Softlist update [Kaylee]
port buffer-smash fix from MAME (nw)"


SDLMAME v0.143u5 for Mac OS X


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02700: [Speed] pocketrc: game runs too fast (hap)
- 04477: [Documentation] naomi: Duplicate File entries in each set in
driver (Tafoid)
- 04475: [Graphics] quizmeku: Missing gfx (M.A.S.H.)
- 03641: [Graphics] sspirits, gground: Only half of the game's frames
are rendered. (M.A.S.H.)
- 03195: [Gameplay] crkdown: graphic artifacts and speed drop during
gameplay (M.A.S.H.)
- 00961: [Sound] raidena: Some music channels go out of sync after a
while. (Kold666)
- 04397: [HLSL] MAME freezes with a hlsl .ini file. (MooglyGuy)

Source Changes
Implemented double buffering and improved colors for 3d in Top Landing
[Angelo Salese]

naomi.c: Added rev "A" Japan BIOS, original Korean BIOS as well as rev
"D" Korea [gamerfan, Smitdogg, BrianT, The Dumping Union]

armedf.c: Verified correct sprite roms for Terra Force (Japan)

dday.c: Added dipswitch locations to the D-Day sets
[Corrado Tomaselli, Brian Troha]

m68k: Preliminary support for MC68340 (CPU32). Reorganized to
facilitate C++ conversion. [David Haywood]

m68k: use 68340 instruction table for 68340, cpXXX instructions are
020/030 only, add CINV, CPUSH stubs for 040 [R. Belmont]

Add comment about new raiden2 rom combination, add missing pals as
undumped, fix IC locations on several sets.
[Lord Nightmare, Hammad, EdCosta]

Various HLSL fixes: [Ryan Holtz, Bat Country Entertainment]
* Created two flags, -hlsl_ini_write and -hlsl_ini_read. The former
enables custom HLSL INI writing explicitly, the other enables
loading of the same.
* Fixed disappearing aperture effect when using custom INI files.
* Fixed diagonal seam on some games, for serious real this time
* Fixed phosphor simulation, now works as expected

model3.c: Redumped Spikeout FE. Special thanks to Phil Bennett & Bart
Trzynadlowski for verifying and testing the redumped roms. [Dr.
Spankenstein, wild eyed, Paratech, Layne, Lord Flux, atchoo, cbt,
gatt9, tormod, BrianT, The Dumping Union]

only report samples audit result for sets with required samples
[Fabio Priuli]

fixed segfault when using -verifysamples [Fabio Priuli]

floppy: Refactor slightly. Name, descrition, etc are now an intrinsic
property of converters. [O. Galibert]

Added some Stern Whitestar older revisions [Miodrag Milanovic]

Preliminary work at the projection calculation for 3d eye-space points
in Air Inferno [Angelo Salese, Andrew Gardner]

es5503: converted to modern device, improved IRQ timing [R. Belmont]

C352: don't try to play zero-length samples [Phil Bennett]

M377xx improvements
* Respect the restored mode bits for PUL [hap, R. Belmont]
* Proper cycle counts for PSH/PUL [R. Belmont]
* Fixed flags for multiply/division and divide by 0 interrupt [hap]
* Pass program bank to debugger hook so breakpoints work outside
of bank 0 [R. Belmont]
* Fixed interrupt flags for internal peripherals, corrected
BBC/BBS when running outside of bank 0 [R. Belmont]
* Several other interrupt timing and priority fixes [hap]

whitestar: make modern, add sound system. no work on main CPU part
yet. [R. Belmont]

floppy: Add brand-new MFI (MESS floppy image) support. [O. Galibert]

mfi: Fix the format thanks to smf's help [O. Galibert]

amigafdc: Modernize, but don't change a thing (yet) [O. Galibert]

floppy: Change the internal format to use magnetic cells. Temporarily
move the full-track pll bit extraction in the amiga fdc. [O. Galibert]

st_dsk: Add the easy ST formats [O. Galibert]

tempest.c: Corrected the rom labels, description and documentation for
the revised hardware rev 3 of Tempest. Added dipswitch locations for
the Tempest sets. [Brian Troha]

globalfr: filled in a little more of the memory map [R. Belmont]

Yet more Neo-Geo work on game ROMs structures [Johnboy]
* Continued to document used pcb's for cartridges
* More removal of .bin extension in favour of chiplabel.socketlabel
naming convention
* Added correct v1 to pulstar
* Corrected layout of pgoal according to original cart
Added redumped c1/c2 and v1 to quizdaisk [DsNo]

Various changes and improvements to the Chihiro emulation
[Samuele Zannoli]
* modifies the ide device (idectrl.c) so it supports cases where it
is not connected to an hard disk, but to some different hardware
* adds PC devices 8259 pic, 8253 pit, ide controller
* adds "chihiro" command with subcommands "jamdis", "dump_string",
"dump_process", "dump_list", "help"
* updates the smbus controller and adds stubs for the pic16lc,
cx25871, eeprom smbus devices
* updates the memory map for the newly added devices
* fixes the size of the "others" region
* adds hack for the missing dump of the smbus eeprom

Decoded graphics in gigaman2 [iq_132]

Hooked up sound, fixed layer offsets in ppan [iq_132]

Fixed graphics glitches in speedspn on character select screen

Fixed layer enable in cninjabl, giving it working status [iq_132]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Ridge Racer 2
Free Kick [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]

New clones added
1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, Rev B) [Foul]
Rad Rally (Japan) []
The King of Fighters '97 (Korean release) [DsNo]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Fighting Bujutsu [Ville Linde, R. Belmont]"


Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] v0.143u5

"-Updated at 07-09-2011.


- Regular MAME updates.


NOTE: Some of those game must be hanging or doesn´t working at all, please gimme feedback about it.



Vba-ReRecording SVN r394

Spamming the rev 393 fix from v8.24 to the other two branches."



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