October 15, 2011

Emulation News 175: Updates for 10-15-11

Hope you are all having a good weekend. Be sure to check out the emulation news for today.

MAME Plus! Plus Kaillera v0.143u7 r88

sync to r4913"


WinDS PRO 2011.10

"- DeSmuME SVN 4116 x86 (32 bits)
- DeSmuME SVN 4116 x64 (64 bits)
- USRcheat.dat 28/09/2011 DeSmuME
- USRcheat.dat 28/09/2011 NO$Zoomer
- iDeaS Final"


Fceux SVN r2265

* Tasedit: execute lua functions when jumping inside greenzone
* added rewind hotkey (~), works only in Taseditor"


Jpcsp SVN r2349

Possible problem due to the new callback mechanism fixed: execute correctly the callback, even in the context of an idle thread.
Migrated the compiler options to the new settings model. They can be changed "on the fly" (e.g. Max method size)."


MAME Plus! XT v0.143u7 r4913


Snes9X Euphoria R5 Beta 3 for OFW

"I tried to work on the Snes9x Euphoria R5 Beta3 OFW
(I can only say rebuilt)

The difference between CFW version is as follows:
I do not use the slow · ME
• The standard configuration of the analog into the menu on the left
Take some time · HOME button at the end of

Same as upstream can not sleep well, which is expected to improve further"


Virtual Jaguar SVN r394

Fixed NTSC timing (was same as PAL timing), fixed PAL/NTSC switch to only
toggle when the virtual machine is powered off, fixed possible missing trailing
slash on paths input by user, update to built in documentation."


FB Alpha v0.2.97.12

"- Megadrive Changes
* Updated Megadrive driver based on MESS 0.143u7 software list [Barry]
* Made the seventh rom path special like the eighth one so that Megadrive roms can be stored in one of the last two paths and still allow supplementary FB Alpha roms to be in a seperate path [Barry]
* Made the short name in the game selection dialog slightly longer to accomodate the Megadrive short names [Barry]
* Increased the maximum number for sek handlers to 10 [Barry]
* Added better SRAM support and support for custom mappers as per MESS< [Barry]
* Removed menu option for making a datfile with both arcade games and Megadrive games, the two would conflict, and arcade and Megadrive dats need to be handled seperately [Barry]
* Updated the dat file creation module to remove the md_ from the Megadrive shortnames [Barry]
- Added clone of Aquajack to the Taito-Z driver [Barry]
- Added clone of Vigilante to the Vigilante driver [Barry]
- Fixed music tempo and continuity in Item M90 and M92 drivers [iq_132][
- Added option to the YM2413 to decrease volume and used it to correct sound in the Mitchell driver [Barry]
- Fixed the gun inputs in Zombie Raid [Barry]
- Fixed the support file path creation for the IPS folders on app init [Barry]
- Fixed immediate update of Apply Patches checkbox in game selection dialog when applying IPS Patches [Barry]
- Added ability to search the drivers short name as well as the description in the Game Selection dialog [Barry]
- Made the Game Selection dialog search interactive and removed the Search button [Barry]
- Made the Game Selection dialog choose the current loaded game if a game is currently loaded [Barry]
- Fixed crash when (de)selecting auto-frameskip and using the DirectSound audio module [Barry]
- Restored the uxtheme style for the application [Barry]
- Matched all sets to MAME 0.143u7 [Barry]"


Dolphin SaveStates Git 3.0-159

"* Changed the save state system to load/save only after the screen has been drawn. This should help stabilise the save states."


PCSX2 SVN r4941

- Implemented an opcode profiler which prints statistics on how often VU opcodes are used (enabled with the mVUprofileProg macro)
- Get status flag conversion function to use EAX/ECX/EDX regs when being called from EE-rec (VU0 macro mode); this should play nicer with the EE-recs regalloc system.
Fixed pretty bad bug of us counting cycles only for one VIF when the system has 2.
Also added a couple important global variables to be savestated (breaks old state compat)."


PSP Custom Firmware 6.39 ME-9.7

"- Change CPU clock from 199/99 to 200/100.
- Update VshMenu. Now you can use translate text.
- Fixed a ISO size when dump it through USB in XMB."



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