October 11, 2011

Finds 338: What's better than one Mario Bros Game and Watch? Two Mario Bros Game and Watch!

So here we have some awesome new additions. After biking to the thrift store I was ready to look for some awesome stuff!! Lets check out these new findings!

Well I needed a remote control for my tv so why not go supersized? It's all good for three dollars!
So these were totally awesome finds. They were in a bag for three dollars and I snatched them right away! Can't say no to good ole Game and Watch especially when it involves the Mario Brothers. The other one is called Octopus and they are all in great working condition.

I mainly got this PS1 because it was half price. For three dollars, it wasn't bad right? It also came with a game inside of it! Always gotta love extras! ^_^

So I found another SP + ! I'm so happy and don't care if it's pink! I'm comfortable with my sexuality so fuck off if you want to make fun. The brighter screen makes games look hawter than ever!! Should I even bother getting my wavebird controller from my storage to play GBA on my Gamcube? Maybe not....

And another hunt comes to an end. It was actually a pretty good day and I'm so happy to add new stuff to my ever growing collection! Until next time~!!

Pink Gameboy SP +
Mario Bros Game and Watch x2
Octopus Game and Watch
PS1 Console with cables
A collection of Activision Class Games (PS1)
Jumbo Remote Control


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