October 30, 2011

Emulation News 190: Updates for 10-30-11

Happy Sunday! I hope all of you are ready for Halloween! As for now, enjoy the emulation news we have for you today!

MAME4droid v1.3.1

October 28, 2011:
- Version 1.3.1 added new OpenGL ES video render option (much faster render even with image filters), scanlines or CRT like overlay filters,
CPU ASM core selector per game, fixed battery drain when paused...
October 22, 2011:
- Version 1.2 added Analog or DPAD touch control (selectable), iCade+ICP support, vibrate on keypress, more scaling options, fixed cheats.
September 13, 2011:
- Version 1.1. Speed boost in low-end devices. Added ASM 68xxx & z80 ASM Cores. Minor Bug Fixes.
September 12, 2011:
- Version 1.0.2. Minor Bug Fixes. Improve Honeycomb HW acceleration responsiveness .
September 10, 2011:
- Version 1.0.1. Minor Bug Fixes. WiiMoteController Remapping Fixed.
September 7, 2011:
- Version 1.0. First version.

MAME4droid is a version of iMAME4all (iPhone, iPad) for Android, all of them developed by David Valdeita (Seleuco), port of MAME 0.37b5 emulator by Nicola Salmoria and TEAM, and it is based on GP2X, WIZ MAME4ALL 2.5 by Franxis.

MAME4droid emulates arcade games supported by original MAME 0.37b5 plus some additional games from newer MAME versions.

This version emulates over 2000 different romsets. (see at the end of document for a list of games that could work).

Please, try to understand that that with that amount of games, some will run better than others and some might not even run with MAME4droid.
Please, don't email me asking for a specific game to run.

Owners of older devices should not expect good performance. Tips to help performance: use lower quality sound or switch it off, use 8 bit depth, underclock the CPU and Sound CPUs. Disable stick and buttons animations and disable smooth scaling also.

After installing, place your MAME-titled zipped roms in /sdcard/ROMs/MAME4all/roms folder.

MAME4droid uses only '0.37b5 - 0.37b11 mame romset'. Use "clrmame.dat". Use "clrmame.dat" file included in /sdcard/ROMs/MAME4all/ to convert romsets from other MAME versions to the ones used by this version, using ClrMAME Pro utility, available in this URL:


MAME4droid will never have "save states" since it is based on a MAME version that does not support it.

Official web page for news, source code & additional information:


To see MAME license, go to the end of this document.

Support for 2.1 and upper Android devices.
Native support for Android Honeycomb tablets.
Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) 2D Hardware Accelerated.
HW Keys remapping.
Touch Controller can be shown/hidden.
Smooth image.
Overlay Filters, scalines, CRT..
Digital or Analog touch selectable.
Animated touch stick or DPAD.
iON's iCade and iCP (as iCade mode) external controllers supported.
Wiimote support using WiiCrotroller Market app.
1 to 6 buttons optionally shown.
Options for video aspect ratio, scaling, rotate.
Adjustable CPU, Audio clock."


PCSX2 SVN r4948

Change a few compiler options in Linux to remove a few warnings during compilation.
cmake: allow to easily set global compilation flags"


M1 XML 20111027

Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian (prototype) to the Neo Geo driver.
Burning Fight (prototype) to the Neo Geo driver.
Choutetsu Brikin'ger - Iron clad (Prototype) to the Neo Geo driver.

gunbustr (Gun Buster) a27-20.bin -> a27-27.bin

Data Sync to 0.143u9"


Dolphin Git 3.0-191

"* Bounding Box bugfixes.
- Fixes all (I hope) BBox-related unknown pointer crashes.
- Fixes wrong BBox values with Frame Skip on (and the resulting unknown pointer crashes).
- Fixes a small oversight on the change I made to the ISO Properties dialog.
This should also be a (very very little) bit faster than the previous version.
* Gameini database update for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(gc), Just Dance 3, Spider-Man: Edge of Time, Paper Mario, Super Paper Mario."


MESS SVN r13135

Disabled Z8536 logging. (nw)
ti99: Fixed GROM address counter handling and GRAMKracker's wrong RAM
pointer [Michael Zapf]
redumped and profiled 30 cartridges, perfect dump of Super Bombliss (Japan) added [MESSfan]
tidbits. no whatsnew.
New dump added, NHL '97 Revision A [badinsults]
ti99: Fixed GRAMKracker's write protection [Michael Zapf]"


FCEUltra Win 32 mappers modified (2011/10/18)

"* "Street Fighter VI 16 Peoples (Unl) [!]" redefined to 196 mapper by CRC check, MMC3 hack removed
* mapper 45 - hardware dip switch support"


SSF Test Version (11/10/29)

"Fessx Shima:
* Fixed a bug in the processing window."


DeSmuME SVN r4118

Cheat System:
- Fixed a crashing bug in certain situations when if a bad AR cheat code is applied, would then cause an invalid memory access."


ODAMEX v0.5.5

"General Odamex Changes:
General bug fixes and code optimizations.
Improved Zdoom compatibility.
A number of desync fixes including weapon pickups, projectile explosions, and barrels not always disappearing.
Dramatically improved in-game wad downloading speeds.
New [[[help]]] console command for both server and client.
Added [[[rcon_logout]]] command for clients.
Fixed an issue that caused servers with a timelimit making client netdemos incredibly large.

Odamex Client Changes:
Fixed a critical crash caused by sounds being played during in-game wad downloading
Addition of a Network Options menu
Many sound improvements, including better channel management
Alternate chat sound for team & spectator chat
Addition of [[[r_painintensity]]]. This variable allows clients to modify their red pain screen where servers allow it.
Addition of [[[hud_crosshairhealth]]]. This variable colors the crosshair relative to the player's overall health value.
Screenshots taken at arbitrary resolutions are no longer skewed.
Clients now have a 128 character limit on chat strings.

Odamex Server Changes:
Addition of [[[co_fixweaponimpacts]]]. When enabled, puffs, explosions, etc. will appear where expected on surfaces.
Addition of [[[sv_forcerespawn]]] and [[[sv_forcerespawntimer]]] for server controlled respawn times.
Addition of [[[sv_allowredscreen]]]. When enabled, clients can modify their pain screens from default values.
[[[sv_maxrate]]] value changed to be in terms of kbps. SERVER ADMINS PLEASE MAKE NECESSARY CHANGES.
New cvar [[[sv_waddownloadcap]]] can be used to throttle downloads to a specified rate. Defaults to [[[sv_maxrate]]] value."



Disable sticky keys in fullscreen mode. (pressing shift 5 times gives a menu)"



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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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