October 20, 2011

Finds 341: Intellivision Lot, TMNT 3, Persona 3, Black Gameboy, and Tons More!

Another day of hunt and more finds as usual. There is a little bit of everything including a pretty big Intellivision game lot. I also picked up Persona 3 box set even though I already have it and even a Brainboy! Check these awesome finds!!

This is the game that will follow my Sakura Wars So Long My Love gameplay session! I got it for 25 dollars at Play n Trade. I have been keeping my eye on this game for almost a month since I go there once a week so I couldn't hold it anymore especially with having finished Persona 4.

Here is the Brain Boy! I got it for a dollar! The main purpose for this accessory is to back up your save games from your favorite gameboy games. It's very simple, just plug it into your Gameboy (even SP works with this beauty) And press the back up option. You can sure keep your Pokemon save especially with these tricky old battery packed in games. The Glacier GBA was five bucks and came with a game called Solar Strike and the other one was also five bucks. It's supposed to be a rarer version of the original Gameboy so definitely worth a look.

I got the N64 controller for two bucks, Zelda for 2 bucks, and the three games on the bottom for five bucks. Not even sure why I got those three games in the bottom lol...

I picked up FFIX for two dollars, and the two NES games for two bucks each. The Mario Party DS is actually an orphan which was given to me for free by a vendor. That was sure nice of him!

Finally, this huge lot of games I got at the thrift store for 60 dollars. I know I paid more than what I intended but I will find a good home for them that's for sure. Lets see if there is anything interesting to find in this lot. 17 games in all!

Persona 3 (PS2)
Brain Boy (Gameboy)
Glacier GBA
Black Gameboy
N64 Gray Controller
Zelda DX (GBC)
Onimusha (PS2)
Devil May Cry (PS2)
Fable 2 (Xbox 360)
Soccer (Invellivision)
Major League Baseball (Invellivision)
Astrosmash (Invellivision)
Lock 'n' Chase (Invellivision)
Utopia (Invellivision)
Bomb Squad (Invellivision)
Frog Bog (Invellivision)
Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack (Invellivision)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (Invellivision)
Tron (Invellivision)
Star Strike (Invellivision)
Space Hawk (Invellivision)
Bowling (Invellivision)
Triple Action (Invellivision)
Space Armada (Invellivision)
Auto Racing (Invellivision)
PGA Golf (Invellivision)
Final Fantasy IX (PS1)
Castlevania 2 (NES)
Mario Party DS Box Only (DS)


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