May 23, 2010

Finds 193: Neo Geo Pocket, N64 Mega Lot and more!

Another trip to the flea market with great success once again! As I was hunting I bumped into a member of NA and decided to check out the flea market as a team. Thanks David for the help! Anyways, lots of new additions so lets start!
I bought this N64 lot for 50 dollars, it's not only the console with controllers and the memory card things but it's also 38 games included!!
Lots of great new additions to my collection for sure!

I also picked up these two Hori PS1 Fighting controllers for five bucks. I can't wait to try them out!

Zelda was 5, Neo Geo Pocket Color was 2, and the NES game was a dollar. I tested out the NGP color and it works, sadly it doesn't have a battery cover but there is always eBay for such ordeals.
Here we have a Famicom multicart(top left) which I got for five bucks, the vendor wanted ten dollars for it but after a while she realized she was overcharging too much! I mean come on it's the flea market, we come here to get deals! Streets of Rage 3 was three dollars while the Gameboy Games and the Action Replay were all two bucks each. The yellow gameboy game is Donkey Kong Land, though it was Pokemon Yellow for a second there....

The magazine was a dollar while the Metal Gear Gameboy game was two bucks. The PS1 game was a dollar as well. Sadly I couldn't find the first disc of that PS1 game, this is just disc two but someone out there might need this disc to complete their game and I'm going to be their savior on this
I picked all these games up for twenty dollars. I though I picked four but the guy gave me five since I bought a lot. I saw a buyer that got there before me picked up a Lunar for the PS1 so I was kinda of sad when I saw him walking away with it, it's alright though, the vendor then took out a box that he had hidden under his table with these games in there. Guess these were waiting for me.
Picked these games up two bucks a piece, for some strange reason the price of Gameboy games were really low, they usually charge 5-7 dollars each game. Guess it was my lucky day.
Now here is for the less appealing finds, I picked up all these sports titles for five bucks. I actually just wanted hardball but the lady told me six for all and I said five and she said yeah and I said OK!
I picked all of these up for four bucks! Here is the catch, they are all just the box and inserts har har har! I figure someone must have the cart only and could complete their game with the right box. I know the Mario Kart will be sought after.
Last but not least, I picked this Super Multitap for a dollar. Haven't tried it yet but I will surely clean it up and give it a shot.

So that's all for this day of hunting goodness, lots of new additions for my collection while others will serve to keep my hobby alive. You know the drill, check everything, sell some, keep some, and head back once more. Until next time!

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Tails 94 said...

yeah nice lot. se me acabo el ingles barato te salio todo y te llevastes la colecion completa de mario bross para n64

famicomfreak said...

jejeje si pero ya tenia todos los marios ecepto el Mario Party pero me vinieron dos copias :) Los que no tengo me los estoy quedando. Fue un dia genial!


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