May 02, 2010

Finds 186: Turbo Grafx, Intellevision 1 and 2, Persona, and Parasite Eve finally! MUCH MORE FINDS!

Alright so here is the second part of the findings. through the first run in the market I picked up a box of consoles for 30 dollars. The consoles were a Turbo Grafx, an Intellevision, and an Intellevision 2. The Turbo Grafx came with games as well, and the AV connector thing not sure what it's called but I don't need to use the RF adapter it came with. I want to thank Andrew, Rob, and Rob's girlfriend which I didn't catch her name sorry! for the heads up on this box of goodies. Behold photos!
Intellevision 1!
The turbo is finally mine!
Accessories among other things!
The games well one of them is a double.
Intellevision 2, haven't figured out how to make these work.

I also picked up a box of loose genesis games! 25 bucks for these although there should be 26 in the lot I mixed up two carts I bought separate from the lot which I paid four dollars for them so 29 dollars in total for these:

Also the same vendor that sold me the three consoles also sold me these intellevision games for 1.5o each but ended up giving me a discount so I took all these for 15 dollars.

I also picked up these PS1 games and thanks to the help of Andrew I was able to get Parasite Eve! Now all I need is the box!
Paid ten dollars for these three discs and Parasite Eve.
WOOOHOOOO! Bought disc two just in case!

After the flea market we decided to visit this indoor flea market that took place in a Senior citizen center, there wasn't much but I was able to pick this SNES up for 15 bucks. I hesitated at first but decided to go for it after all. I wanted to lower it to 10 but she wouldn't budge so I took it still.

Finally, we headed to Play n Trade and looked around. I didn't see much of interest until I saw their PS1 section. Persona 1!!! WOOT!! It cost me 29 dollars and some cents but it was in my hands! All I need is Persona 2 and I will have 1-4! For these games I am willing to pay full price!

So that should do it, it was just an amazing day to hunt for some goodies. I'm very satisfied with my purchases although there were too many, of course now comes the tough part of what I am going to sell off and what I am going to keep. Since I am running out of room here, I'm going to have to be smart about what I am going to keep. So that should do it, I want to thank again all my friends that came along in today's trip, it was awesome and we should do it again sometime, and soon! Until next time!

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thewisk said...

WOW!!!!!!!! Amazing finds my friend and also you found a prototype nes game, simply amazing.

congrats =)

DJPimpDaddy said...

I can't imagine how long it would take to play Persona 1 - 4....

I heard you can easily dump 100 hours into just one of them lol.


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