Let the game hunt continue! This week I was able to pick up quite a few interesting items including Pokemon cards! Can't go wrong with a little high tech gaming with Marvel vs Capcom 3 and of course a whole lot of retro gaming items! Lets take a look!
So we start off with this lot of manuals which were ten cents each. Me and my bud went crazy over these and each found interesting additions to our collections. Can't say no for ten cents right?
There were also posters and maps for some RPGs including Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy Legend, and Final Fantasy Adventure.
Under all the manuals and posters was a vitual boy game called Water World. I know it seemed kind of odd so I asked how much and the vendor ended asking me four dollars for it so I couldn't refuse. Too bad for the label damage but oh well. He also had a CD Back up ram for the Sega CD. It was three bucks although I'm not sure what it's for except to transfer your saved games from Sega CD games? Maybe...
I also picked up these Pokemon cards as I'm getting back into collecting these. The page is kinda of odd as the cards are in Japanese and came in a folder like cover thing. It was two bucks so why not? There was also another vendor with Pokemon packs for a dollar each so I picked three packs. That Mario figure was 50 cents but only had 36 cents which the vendor agreed after my friend talked her down to it har har har!
I got one holo from the three packs....bleh!!
And here is Marvel vs Capcom 3 which was only three bucks! I don't have a 360 but it sure is a pretty good price for a recent game release! Screw you Gamestop!
I also got this Yu-gi-oh! Game for a dollar. Hmm.. this one is quite different from the other one I bought as it lacks the holographic factor, oh well can't have enough Yu-gi-oh!
I got all these games for five bucks. There were a lot of bummer games but quite a few aces at the same time especially Xmen vs Street Fighter for the PS1. That game is quite hard to find! There is also Sonic Adventure and Kingdom Hearts in there. I might actually play Kingdom Hearts as I've never been through the entire game.
And last but not least, I got this game in the mail that I won on eBay. I have been wanting this box set for quite some time and the guide was a nice bonus. I paid 38 for this so not bad at all. As a collector, I'm going to keep the game sealed! Besides I have to beat the PS1 release first! As for this PSP release, there is always the ISO which would run faster on my PSP.
Another awesome hunt comes to an end with a lot of unique additions. There is sure going to be a lot of more stuff coming in the future as we take it up a notch. Sorry, no Play n Trade stop this week due to limited time but that wasn't by my part. Until next time!!
NES, SNES, Gameboy Manuals
CD Back Up Ram Cart (Sega CD)
Water World (Virtual Boy)
Pokemon Cards
Marvel vs Capcom 3 (Xbox 360)
Yu-gi-oh Forbidden Memories (PS1)
Xmen vs Street Fighter (PS1)
Sonic Adventure (DC)
Madden 2002 (PS2)
Tomb Raider Last Revelation (DC)
Kingdom Hearts (PS2)
True Crime (PS2)
Harvest Moon (PS1)
Lunar Silver Star Harmony (PSP)
New Super Mario Bros (NDS)
Tetris DS (NDS)
Mario Kart DS (NDS)

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