The news are here! Check them out!
Jpcsp SVN r2453

More work on software rendering:
- implemented color doubling
- draft implementation of a filter compiler in specific cases (just a try to check if a compiler would be useful here)
- small fixes"

Fceux SVN r2399

* refined Recording, now can safely record commands (Power, Reset, Insert, Switch)
* new Lua scripts: SoundDisplay.lua, TrackNoise.lua
Replaced "Turbo seek" and "Follow cursor" checkboxes"

PCSX2 SVN r5088

gsdx: linux compilation fix. Gcc don't support same name for variable and template parameter
cmake: compilation fix on debian sid (and potentially ubuntu)
i18n: add some comment for potential language change in the future."

SNES9Xbox v6 Fixed

*** Changes To Snes9Xbox Core ***
* New APU Sound core hiccup issues now solved! Big super duper thanks to Philexile for pointing the way.
* Border at bottom of screen should be gone now
* No more lockups when using software filters (silly regression bug). That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
* Force Screen Size (Accurate Pixel Ratio) should work on all cores now.
* MP3 Volume issue should hopefully be fixed when loading a game that switches the cores.
*** Interface Related Changes ***
* I foobared the code that stores the text/game screen size/position there are two ways to correct this..
1) Go into Configuration -> Video Configuration -> Game and Text Screen Size/Position and configure your screen the way you want it to be. Once you do that you will get a popup "Do you want to use these settings globally?".. select "Yes". This will go thru all the existing saves and set them to match your selected game screen size/positions.
1.2) If you have "Automatically Use Default Game Configuration?" set to yes. Be sure to go into Configuration -> Set Default Game Configuration and set those as well.
2) (the long way).. Delete the *.keh files for all save game configurations created using the beta. The easiest way to do this is to copy the emulators "save" directory from the xbox over to a PC. Use the windows explorer "search" option to search for "*.keh" files, select those files (ctrl-a) and delete them. Then delete your saves directory off the xbox and copy the files back. Doing so this way will keep your game configurations intact. Sorry about that.. :s
Sorry for the inconvenience... :s
**** This only needs to be done if you used Snes9xbox V4 or later. Or if you used any of my beta's (once I rebuild them and make them available). ****
* Fixed screen blurring when selecting Return to launcher on the home screen and using a skin that uses "sprites as background".
* Code that runs when you select "Yes" to save screen size/positions "globally" is now properly functioning.
* Complete reworking of the auto screen sizing and lock code and I also tweaked the numbers a little. It should be a little more intuitive now. Unfortunately it had a bug which needs to be remedied with a few manual steps.
* Fixed issue where emu would crash if no accurate pixel mode settings were defined for the currently selected video mode.
* Checks put into the cheatcode database checker to let you know if the file is to big or has too many game entries and needs to be split up.
* Gilou9999's HD Colour skins should work properly now (no weird hacks). Be sure to at least copy over the "settings.ini" files in the skin directory and the skin "configurations" directories and "reload the skin".
* Added new skin transition option "none". Real handy for skins like Gilou9999's that uses the HD sprite trick.
* Windows 7 users should have no more weird issues on samba shares! Woohoo! Thank you YRUSirius for pointing out the available patch and Buzz for creating that patch.
* Fixed issue where emulator menu video mode was reverting to last played games video mode in emu's that support game specific video modes.
* When switching cores you are now properly placed back to where you launched the game from (favorites or game select)."

MESS SVN r14369
Fully rewritten gc registers from scratch
sms.xml: added new Korean dumps from SMSPower. no whatsnew.
famicom_flop.xml: fixed a few descriptions and added real support status + fixed attempt to read past the end of the disk in some games. no whatsnew.
Side note on the famicom disks: 90% of currently not working games fails due to lack of write-to-disk support, so you can continue an existing game but you can't start a new one...
In a sense, this is good news: when we eventually get to adding write support, compatibility should jump to almost full ;-)"

FourDO SVN r235

Adding changes to hopefully support ISO/BIN Mode1+2352"

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