February 20, 2012

Emulation News 291: Updates for 2-20-12

Emulation updates will only take place Mondays through Fridays from now on. Enjoy the news!

Atari800 SVN r2137

MESS SVN r14545

Those who can, do. Those who can't, nitpick ROM definitions (nw)"

QMC2 SVN r3547

imp: checked MAME/MESS 0.145u1 compatibility"

Jpcsp SVN r2458

Small performance improvement in software rendering: avoid unnecessary texture clipping when the wrap mode "repeat" is enabled."

Supermodel SVN r253

- Finished cleaning up and optimizing the 2D renderer.
- Fixed up color offset register support for new 2D rendering system. Now maintains 2 computed palettes for layers A/A' and B/B'.
- Fixed a minor bug in InitPalette(); VRAM was not being typecast properly.
- Fixed specular lighting bug that occurred on some OpenGL drivers because integers were not being interpreted as floats in the vertex shader.
- Began to update copyright date in some files.
- Graphics modules now use the C++-style names for C standard library headers (e.g., stdio.h -> cstdio) consistent with the rest of Supermodel.
Further optimization/simplification of the 2D renderer's main loop."

Stella SVN r2390

Updated error in documentation, as reported by Robert Szeliga.
Update include PNG library,"


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