January 06, 2012

Emulation News 255: Updates for 1-6-12

Here are today's updates! Enjoy!

QMC2 SVN r3427

fix: Windows embedder: corrected window restoration upon release
fix: Windows embedder: use window-style WS_POPUP instead of WS_CHILDWINDOW to also embed a window's menu-bar
fix: Windows embedder: monitor and, if necessary, correct the client
window's rectangle
doc: change-log update"


Dolphin Git 3.0-367

"* Added emitters for BT/BTR/BTS/BTC x86 instructions, optimized extended arithmetic PowerPC instructions
* Fixed small error for instructions with overflow enabled"


Mupen64Plus 20120105

"- bugfix issue 468: dlopen problem with OGLFT; the static class object is not initialized when the shared lib is loaded under OSX, so change the api to do it explicitly
- fixes from Tim Dickson in GC issue 1
- renaming and cleaning up in prep for new feature
17c12bdb1c14 add sections alphabetically when parsing config file at init time
- refactored internal structure of Config data. Now there are 2 internal lists: one representing the status of the config file on the disk, and another representing the active list. This will allow us to add a new feature whereby only a single section is saved, and all other (possibly modified) sections are not changed
- add new Config API function to save only a single config section to disk. Added documentation for new function and bumped config api version number to 2.1.0
- put new config sections in alphabetical order"


puNES v0.46

Added option to enable or disable the Vsync.
Added Hqx (2x, 3x, 4x) video filter.
Added a native version for windows 64bit."


Atari800MacX v4.6.0

"- Note, this may be the last release supporting PPC, 10.4, and possibly 10.5. If you have any bugs you need fixed or new features you feel you have to have for these older versions, please email me and I will consider them.
* Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed issues with arrow keys in full screen menu and some of the Atari arrow key mappings.
- Fixed issues with assigning tab, return, and delete as joystick keys when using international key mappings."


Altirra 2.1 Test 9

"This version adds the ability to copy out text. Why? Because I felt like it. To copy text, drag over the display and either press Alt+Shift+C, or select Copy from either the menu or the context menu. It also has a fix for the Caps Lock key.

Now, as to some of the issues raised above:

I put in the extra fixed multiple mode for scanlines because the density is too high to resample well fractionally unless you have a high resolution display. Using bicubic filtering will help here. Allowing the scanline frequency to be adjusted makes no sense because the scanlines are named after the scan lines of the display, i.e. each horizontal line drawn. This means that no real TV will ever draw less than 192 scanlines for an Atari OS display, ever, and the only way you will get more is if you have a relatively modern TV that does double scanning or more.

Oh, and the scanlines also need to match the orientation of the image. I saw one "scanline" shader that drew straight horizontal scanlines across a curved display image. That's bogus.

The current method unfortunately doesn't allow the width of the scanlines to be adjusted because it is done prior to rescaling. Doing it post rescaling will require a major rework of the display code, particularly because I support more than one display API. Sorry, but that's the way it's going to be for now. Also, a reminder: I generally don't include external code as a matter of policy (and I believe there would be a license conflict in this case anyway).

The cartridge dumps, as far as I can tell, are incomplete. You can get it to partially run if you concatenate the MegaCart image twice to create a 128K image that can be loaded as a SIC! cart. The game decompresses and starts displaying graphics, but crashes soon after.

Paste is not affected by the raw/cooked mode -- p and P are typed as if you pressed P and Shift+P on the keyboard. The reason you're seeing the uppercase result is that that's the default keyboard mode for the OS; if you press Caps Lock to change that, you'll get lowercase and uppercase. I did find a bug in the Caps Lock handling code that was keeping it from resetting the OS Caps Lock state properly and which caused it to only work every second time on my computer, which should be fixed now.

Cassette tape has been requested before, and I've been doing a bit here and there over time... but as I've said before, I hated tape growing up and I still hate it now. It is specifically designed to (a) eat code and data unrecoverably and (b) waste prodigious amounts of time. For these reasons I'm not enthusiastic about recreating the authentic experience."


WinUAE v2.4.0 Beta 10

"- RTG mode list should always list all monitors' supported resolutions.
- PAL filter display positioning is now same as other filters.
- Removed obsolete right control key hack, Amiga does not have right control key, it was only originally needed to handle keyboard layout B in old UAE versions.
- Cycle-exact mode and very heavy interrupt activity caused lost internal interrupt event in some very rare situations, bug introduced long time ago. (Guardian Dragon II / Kefrens random hang, probably others too)
- In non-vsync modes only triple buffering enables vsynced page flipping, other modes flip instantly for better performance (and possibly introduces tearing but it is better than bad performance)
- Log more complete RDB dump when mounting RDB hardfile or real harddrive using UAE controller.
- bsdsocket emulation tweaks. SocketBaseTagList() more compatible with AmiTCP (emulate weird behavior of breaking tag list processing if unknown tag detected, some programs actually don't even have a TAG_END..), get/setsockopt more compatible ("Unknown optlen (1)" log error messages) Convert SO_SNDTIMEO and SO_RCVTIMEO time values between milliseconds and struct timeval.
- HID input stuck button fixed if multiple buttons were kept pressed while releasing another button.
- HID input configuration loading didn't always match devices correctly"


DeSmuME SVN r4147

Cocoa Port:
- Convert cocoa_util.m from Obj-C to Obj-C++, and add many new utility methods.
- Remove obsolete globals.h file, and convert needed C functions into Obj-C methods in cocoa_util.mm.
- Add cocoa_file.mm for general file handling methods.
- Change all file handling to use NSURLs instead of NSString paths.
- Refactor existing code to use the new methods.
- Remove obsolete UI code.
- Move Tiger-specific compatibility code to a new file, macosx_10_4_compat.h.
Cocoa Port:
- Update more old file handling code to use the new methods added from the last commit."


1964 SVN r103

1964 Core:
Removed uneeded speed hacks to make emulation more accurate. (1964 Ultrafast by RetroRalph) (Stretching his updates over several commits to make sure if any problems occur they are able to be isolated)
Remove unnecessary setwindowtext's
Remove more unnecessary link dependencies
restore functionality to launch games by CMD that was accidentally removed"


PCSX2 SVN r5051

Let users set software parameters (extra threads and line AA) regardless of currently configured renderer.
Makes testing far easier."





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