January 07, 2012

Finds 388: Gijoes vs Corps! Let The Battle Begin!

A package came in the mail today with lots of war heroes! Welcome to the bloodbath of Gijoes vs Corps! Enjoy ^_^

The war is brutal and never ending. So many corpses in the floor leaving only history in the making. If you are wondering I paid a total of 0 dollars for this lot, I used my eBay bucks :p
The war goes on as multiple wounded soldiers are put out of their misery....
There is nothing covering the incoming fire, better say your prayers....

And only more waves of soldiers will come from this destruction....I hope you enjoyed the photos! I actually took over 20 of them but decided to go with five. I don't want to drag this forever after all! Thanks for visiting!

x32 Gijoes and Corps Lot!


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