January 03, 2012

Emulation News 252: Updates for 1-3-12

Another day of updates, enjoy!

NGP.emu for Android v1.4.10

"- Fixed a crash on some devices due to incorrect sound code
- Fixed Card Fighters 2 with English patch"


Jpcsp SVN r2438

Improved sceAtracLowLevelDecode with new findings.

Reversed and implemented Z axis upper limit checking for vertex data in VertexInfo (hinted by kytoxid).

Added loop sample data size checking to sceAtrac3plus."


NeoGamma R9 Beta 54

"- Wii: Added support for the changed cIOS stealth mode from d2x v8+
- Gamecube: Changed how __GXSetVAT is patched, it might work for japanese version of Wind Waker as well"


Stella SVN r2330

Added classes for MindLink and CompuMate controllers. Note that these aren't fully activated yet, but they're the next thing I plan to work on.
Updated VS 2005 project file for recent controller class additions.
Updated VS 2010 project files for recent controller class additions.
Added skeleton class for CompuMate bankswitching.
Updated all bankswitch schemes for potential buffer overflow issues. Copying was being done without regard for the size of the ROM buffer.
Updated VS 2005 project files for CM bankswitching class.
Updated VS 2010 project files for CM bankswitching class.
SWCHB and SWBCNT UI items recently added to the debugger now actually change values in the emulation core when clicked.
Updated OSX project files for recent class additions.
Updated documentation for SWCHB debugger changes, and updated the changelog."


GameEx v12.45

"* Theme/Skinning:
- New static HTPC style list option in the theme editor. This gives an alternative list in the start page menus.
- New theme editor option to not show the weather condition icon and just the temperature
- Weather condition icons can now be loaded from a theme if in the [theme]\media\weather folder
- The auto update image can be used with a theme if in the [theme]\media folder. Change autoupdate1. png
* Display and Emulators:
- New game specific background snap folder for emulators and MAME. These images will be shown in the background when browsing the list when set.
- If the above path is not specified there is a new display mode to show snaps in the background based on existing art paths.
- Custom artwork paths for emulators now support videos.
- The image ribbon display mode now support paging up and down.
- Several minor cosmetic related bugs fixed.
* Media:
- GameEx can now act as a full UPNP/DNLA client. This is supported for all media including the jukebox, pictures, media library and Videos. In terms of the Jukebox, GameEx will try to load the entire library and act as it normally does displaying the entire collection. At the present time videos have to be download from the media server and do not stream. The client has been tested with Windows Media Player, Mezzmo and Serviio.
- GameEx will now download and display artist pictures in the Jukebox and will display these if album artwork cannot be found.
- New Get MetaData menu option for the Jukebox to download all artwork.
- Better support of album artwork in the Jukebox.
- With thanks, GameEx now uses the TMDb API for movie artwork and metadata. In addition it will now download movie ratings. TMDb has a very good search engine so matches appear to be quite accurate. Therefore with this release the movie database utility is legacy and no longer included with the install. Please consider contributing to TMDb.
- For videos the create snaps menu option is now called Get MetaData since it now also retrieves box art, descriptions, year of release and rating.
- Their are now three separate folders for videos so GameEx can properly identify metadata. That is Movies, TV shows and other videos. I am currently awaiting approval from theTVdb.com to do more with TV shows. Hopefully I will get it,.
- Again, in my tests the matching is much more accurate than before.
- GameEx will now display videos at the correct aspect ratio when they have a different display size. "


1964mod v1.5.1 Final

"Core Changes & Fixes:

Implement new "Speedup" menu option
WIP - please read "1964mod_Readme.pdf" Q.2
recommend to use in conjunction with existing speed hacks
need to smoothen out audio clipping
it is NOT 60fps but should help in games with long delay
fix GoldenEye damn scene long delay (1x3 for me)
fix Perfect Dark intro video long delay (1x3 for me)
fix Quake II long delay getting in-game (1x3 for me)
fix Quake 64 long delay getting in-game (1x3 for me)
Experimental change
implement full SBCS search on valid internal name for Japanese rom
correct non-english dialog name - probably a misspelling / typo
fix bug in ProtectBlock

Plugin Changes & Fixes

Fix Duck Dodgers(E) regression
1964mod Audio:

Other Changes & Fixes
Fix duplicate lang ID assignment from previous language file layout re-mapping

Remove unused variables definition in language support data structures

Fix missing accelerator definition for Close Rom and map into language file

Minor fix on romlist window handling"


Hatari v1.6.0

"- More accurate FDC emulation (correct status bits and commands' timings, DMA transfer by blocks of 16 bytes, floppy change detection). This should fix a lot of non working games, as well as a few demos
- More accurate microwire clock emulation
- SCSI class 1 (ICD) command support for drives > 1 GB
- Improve shifter (add another method to do 4 pixel hardware scrolling, better emulation for 0 byte blank line)
- Some fixes to the IKBD emulation
- Better filters and model for sound emulation
- Correct VBL timings in TT monochrome (double clicking works now)
- More cycle accurate Falcon DSP <-> CPU emulation. All the demos that needed 32Mhz CPU with the old CPU core in Hatari v1.5, work now at correct 16Mhz with the WinUAE CPU core
- 030 MMU emulation with the WinUAE CPU core
- Debugger improvements : "history" command to list instructions executed before entering debugger
- Fixed behavior of the Caps Lock key"





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