January 11, 2012

Finds 391: Two Mousers and Bust-a-Move Universe!

So here are some finds from last week. I totally forgot to add them to the mix but here they are!
Two Mousers and Bust-a-Move Universe!!! The Bust-a-Move Universe game is pretty fun!! I'm definitely going to give it more hours of gameplay. The mousers equals a total of five!! So the set is done 5/30! Lets keep it coming!!!

x2 Mousers
Bust-a-Move Universe (3DS)


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Oli said...

Nice finds! I didn't realise you had a 3DS, what's your view on them?

famicomfreak said...

Personally, I think it's a handheld with lots of potential. You gotta give it some time to grow. I love the new app for it Swapnote was it? It totally rocks!! I know the games will come! Just give it time!


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