January 10, 2012

Emulation News 258: Updates for 1-9-12

So here are the news!

Pasofami v1.6k

"● "Pasofami File Explorer" bug fixes.

The last feature was added - "Pasofami File Explorer" is faulty because there was a modified version.
· ". NET Framework 2.0" is installed, if not later, on the menu screen "name" button "File Pasofami Explosion" does not work, old work function."


PCSX2 SVN r5064

GSdx: sps fixed, some code clean up and optimization, ps2 logo still broken in hw mode, I'll check it later
GSdx: fixing a possible buffer overflow"


MESS SVN r13944

documentation-only update (nw)
last bunch of additions, for the moment. no whatsnew.
aquarius.xml: moved documentation bits from comments into elements, on behalf of k1w1. no whatsnew.
arcadia.xml: various improvements to the list. [k1w1]


Dolphin Git 3.0-371

"* Added SHRD/SHLD x86 emitters, further optimized srawx"


StepMania v5.0 Alpha 1

* [ScreenManager] Made AddScreenToTop take a second (optional) parameter for posting a ScreenMessage on screen pop. [AJ]
* Only read certain tags during first load; makes song loading faster. [theDtTvB]

* Fix Portable.ini not working on Mac OS X. [shakesoda]

* [PercentageDisplay] Remove unused ApplyScoreDisplayOptions metric; added PercentFormat and RemainderFormat metrics. [AJ]
* Fix Portable.ini not working in Linux. [FSX]

* Fix a scoring/grading bug with Lifts. [FSX]

* [MusicWheel] Add IsRouletting Lua binding. [AJ]
* [LuaManager] Remove GetOSName Lua binding; use GetArchName instead. [AJ]

* [ArchHooks_OSX] Worked around a crash when language detection goes wrong. (Note: a real fix should be looked into.) [shakesoda]

* [Song] Fixed a bug where a sample start of 0 wouldn't work. [AJ]
* [Game] Added CountNotesSeparately and GetMapJudgmentTo(TapNoteScore) Lua bindings. [AJ]
* [StepMania.cpp] Fix initial aspect ratio on first boot, hopefully. (See issues 6 and 27) [AJ]

* [LuaManager] Added ProductFamily() Lua binding. [AJ]

* [Various] Allow loading of *.jpeg in addition to *.jpg. [AJ]

* [StreamDisplay] Added VelocityMultiplier, VelocityMin, VelocityMax, SpringMultiplier and ViscosityMultiplier metrics. [AJ]

* [ScreenEdit] Add the GAMESTATE:InStepEditor Lua binding. [Wolfman2000]
* [Player, ScreenGameplay] Allow failing on Oni without crashing. This one took awhile. [Wolfman2000]
* [LifeMeterBattery] Fixed various issues (lives not fully disappearing on fail, P2 lose life animation having the wrong x zoom, hide the lives number if it falls below 0). [AJ]

* [ScreenEdit] Restore cycling the timing segments for jumping between. The required line somehow never got replaced. [Wolfman2000]

* [PlayerOptions] Added IsEasierForSongAndSteps(Song,Steps,PlayerNumber) and IsEasierForCourseAndTrail(Course, Trail) Lua bindings. [AJ]
* [PlayerState] Added GetSuperMeterLevel() Lua binding. [AJ]

* [ScreenGameplay] Add the SurvivalModOverride metric. Let the themer decide if mods should be overridden on survival or not. Funny enough, this used to be true for the old Oni style mode, but...well, we'll cross that bridge later. [Wolfman2000]
* [LifeMeterBattery] Added MaxLives metric, which limits the maximum amount of
lives. Setting this to 0 will remove the limit. [AJ]

* [PlayerOptions] Pretty large changes here, namely a bunch of new bindings. Fixed the logic for GetReversePercentForColumn; It will now return nil for invalid columns. Also fixed the logic for UsingReverse (now checks for 1.0f) and SetPassmark (no longer allows values < 0.00f and > 1.0f). [AJ]
* [ScreenEdit] Allow inserting and removing beats and timing changes in specific note increments instead of just quarter notes (a whole beat). Those that prefer to keep using the shortcut keys will note that the behavior has not changed for that: only by going into the Area menu can you deal with more specific changes. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScreenEdit] Restore using F9 and F10 to adjust stops by a fixed amount. Sorry for the delay in this. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Minor convenience. If you attempt to create a negative stop segment from scratch, it does not create, and you are not requested to save on exit, for there is nothing to save. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Allow Shift + F9/F10 for adjusting delays. This works the same way as adjusting stops. [Wolfman2000]

* [PlayerStageStats] Hitting a mine no longer gives you full combo when [Gameplay] MineHitIncrementsMissCombo=true. [AJ]

* [PlayerStageStats] Added GetFailed and GetNumControllerSteps Lua bindings. [AJ]

* [LifeMeterBar] Added the ForceLifeDifficultyOnExtraStage metric and the ExtraStageLifeDifficulty metric. Let the themer decide if extra stages should have their own life bar behavior. Note that this metric does NOT change the lifebar to the battery style. [Wolfman2000/FSX]

* [Mac OS X] Restore JPEG functionality. [Wolfman2000]

* [GameState] Add the RefreshNoteSkinData lua binding. This will only refresh the NS data for the present game, not all games. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenSelectMusic] Fixed Rave difficulties not being synced on late join. Fixes issue 577. [AJ]
* [GameplayAssist] Don't play sounds if the player is dead. Fixes issue 621. [AJ]

* [ScoreKeeperRave] Revert fix from 2011/10/28. [AJ]
* [ScoreKeeperRave] Fixed Miss and HitMine giving meter life. (Fixes issue 622.) [AJ]

* [ArchHooks] Add the GetArchName lua binding. To the themers that use GetOSName, that function may be deprecated in the future. For now, both options exist. [vyhd, Wolfman2000]

* [ArrowEffects] Fix Expand, and possibly other mods, from breaking if using a second player. [Wolfman2000]
* [ArchHooks] Add the AppHasFocus lua binding. [vyhd, Wolfman2000]

* [GameState] Add the ResetPlayerOptions lua binding. [Wolfman2000]

* [ScoreKeeperRave] Fix an issue where the super meter would not decrease back to 1 after hitting the end of 3. (Fixes issue 314.) [AJ]

* [Default theme] Fixed the pref controlling timing segments on song meter. [FSX]

* [LightsManager] Use song beat for menu button lights, allow demonstration to flash pad lights when BlinkGameplayButtonLightsOnNote is true, light custom game buttons when pressed during attract mode, general optimizations. [vyhd]

* [ScreenEdit/NoteField] Fix an editor crash when you exit without saving after creating new steps. [Wolfman2000]

* [NoteDataUtil] Add the Backwards mod for games where the intended definition of Mirror is different. Regarding Pump gameplay, what was called Mirror in Preview 4 is considered Backwards now, and the original Mirror is back in its old position. [Wolfman2000]

* [Steps] Fix a bug where e.g. ".SM" ".DWI" ".Sm" ".sM" files wouldn't properly load since the code was expecting lowercase. [AJ]

* [NotesLoaderBMS] Add the time signature segments. [theDtTvB]

* [NotesLoaderBMS] Fix the bug where keysounds that points to nonexistant file gets assigned a random one. [theDtTvB]
* [NotesLoaderBMS] Use BMSLoader to load PMS files. [theDtTvB]
* [RageSoundReader_WAV] Fix ADPCM support. [theDtTvB]

* [GameSoundManager] Add the PlayMusicPart lua binding. [Wolfman2000]
* [ScreenEdit] Add the FadeInPreview and FadeOutPreview metrics. This controls how long the fade in and fade outs are for playing the preview music. The default values are 0 and 1.5 respectively. [Wolfman2000]

* [RageDisplay] Add the GetFPS, GetVPF, and GetCumFPS bindings. [Wolfman2000]

* Various scoring fixes sourced from http://www47.atwiki.jp/waiei/pages/21.html [A.C/@waiei, 桜為小鳩/@sakuraponila]"





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