January 03, 2012

Emulation News 251: Updates for 1-2-12

Another day of news coming right to you!

puNES v0.45

Added the option to choose between mono or stereo (default from now) sound.
OK, I admit, this release is an excuse to wish a happy new year to all you guys!!"


MESS SVN r13812

mac: Cuda device talks to the 680x0 properly; Color Classic now shows something. [R. Belmont]
Syn with MAME r14889 (no whatsnew)
mac: Fixed Cuda timer interrupt ack and default PRAM for Egret and Cuda [R. Belmont]"


JMednafen v0.2.1

"- The entire program was coded again. Now it uses plugins instead of hard-coded options."


Dolphin Git 3.0-319

"* name all audio threads (that I know how to) for debugging, as suggested in response to revision d00b719966ed.
* increased fault tolerance of shader cache files.
more specifically: if the emulator stops unexpectedly, it is quite possible that one of the shader cache files will have some bytes near the end that never got their values filled in. this change adds an index number at the end of each entry as extra verification that the entry is valid, so that invalid entries can be ignored (and eventually overwritten) instead of causing crashes.
* prevent CLogWindow::UpdateLog from constantly burning through timer objects, because it was allocating memory a lot and making it hard to debug some things. I think this should be faster even in release builds, but any speedup is probably too tiny to measure.
* Fix a crash at startup with Dolphin on Linux compiled in debug modeLink
Use the clobber list instead of the stack to save rbx when executing the cpuid instruction with inline assembly. This avoids breaking GCC assumptions about the stack pointer location.
* Replace some printfs from the PPC Interpreter code by Dolphin logger calls"


QMC2 SVN r3410

imp: nicer rounded corners for splash-screens
imp: code cleanup
imp: improved colors of logos and removed their blurriness"


msxDS v0.93

"- Fixed a small bug in the save state.
- Improved speed of screen10 and screen12 modes."


DOSBox SVN r3771

Treat : as seperater (for goto:label)"


bsnes v085

"- fixed auto joypad polling edge case; fixes Ys 5 controls
- fixed Justifier polling code; Lethal Enforcers should be fully responsive once again
- rewrote SNES S-SMP processor core (~20% code reduction)
- fixed Game Boy 8x16 sprite mode; fixed some sprites in Zelda: Link's Awakening
- treat Game Boy HuC1 RAM enable flag as writable flag instead; fixes Pokemon Card GB
- created far faster XML parser; bsnes can now load XML files once again
- updated to mightymo's most recent cheat code database
- internal color calculations now performed at 30-bits per pixel
- gamma slider now acts as fine-tuned gamma ramp option
- Linux OpenGL driver will output at 30bpp on capable displays
- Linux port defaults to GTK+ now instead of Qt (both are still available)"


Altirra 2.0 Test 7

"features added
- Display: Added scanline display mode.
- Display: Added integer-multiple version of preserve aspect ratio sizing mode.

bugs fixed
- Disk: Format command now sends back ACK+ERROR+buffer instead of NAK on a read-only disk.
- Input: Fixed bug in keyboard repeat detection code."





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