Here are the news!
1964 SVN r112

1964Video, turn off D3D ZBias only for Diddy Kong Racing since it was causing problems with other games."
Fceux SVN r2396

sdl bugfix: compile with gcc 4.6.2
fix 2005 vcproj"
Virtual GameBoy v3.5.12 for Android

"VGB emulates GameBoy handheld game consoles and their accessories. It will run GameBoy, GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Color, and Super GameBoy games on your Android phone or tablet. VGB also supports the Pocket Printer, GameGenie cheat codes, and more. Please notice that VGB will not play GameBoy Advance games: you will need VGBA for that.
VGB package itself does not contain any games. You should place your own game files onto the SD card before running VGB.
Please, do not run any software you do not own with VGB. The author cannot and will not tell you where to find free GameBoy games."
fMSX v3.5.22 for Android

"- No longer showing ads if you have bought at least one of my paid apps.
- Worked around an Android bug that prevented some ZIP files from opening.
- Added third virtual fire button and assigned it to fast-forwarding everywhere.
- Arranged fire buttons vertically in landscape mode.
- Moved joypad away from the bottom-left corner button in the portrait mode.
- Added multiple Freeze/Restore slots."
Speccy v1.7.20 for Android

"- No longer showing ads if you have bought at least one of my paid apps.
- Worked around an Android bug that prevented some ZIP files from opening.
- Added third virtual fire button and assigned it to fast-forwarding everywhere.
- Arranged fire buttons vertically in landscape mode.
- Moved joypad away from the bottom-left corner button in the portrait mode.
- Added multiple Freeze/Restore slots."
ColEm v2.6.16 for Android

"- No longer showing ads if you have bought at least one of my paid apps.
- Worked around an Android bug that prevented some ZIP files from opening.
- Added third virtual fire button and assigned it to fast-forwarding everywhere.
- Arranged fire buttons vertically in landscape mode.
- Moved joypad away from the bottom-left corner button in the portrait mode.
- Added multiple Freeze/Restore slots.
- Fixed ColEm on-screen dialpad.
- Added a public domain Kevtris game by Kevin Horton."

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