February 14, 2012

Emulation News 290: Updates for 2-14-12

Here are the news for today's Valentines....

Wine v1.5 beta 1

"- Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze."

Fceux SVN r2406

scons: no longer automatically append $LDFLAGS from environment. uncomment the line in SConstruct if you want to do this
fix typo in previous commit
docs: updated sdl-faq (can someone pull this pls? thx :D )
sdl: updated the readme/install doc
doc: direct SDL users to more complete instructions in README-SDL; remove half-assed install instructions
change win32 test build deploy script to reflect new hosting arrangement
* Taseditor: when clicking text fields, Piano Roll scrolls to corresponding Marker, not to cursor
* Replay dialog speedup, now movie is not loaded into memory when checking md5"

FourDO SVN r245

Adding ability to render to 2X resolution"

multiMAN v04.01.02

"* Added support for creating ISO/BIN+CUE images from PS2 CD and PS1/PSX CD *directly* to remote host
* Added automatic extraction of thumbnails after ISO/BIN+CUE is created (PS3/PS2/PSX/BD/DVD)
* Added support for displaying coverart/jacket for Blu-ray and AVCHD discs (if /HDAVCTN or /BDMV/META/DL folders contain jpg jacket-image)
* Added support for creating ISO files from folders to remote host (ISO is cached to internal HDD and then moved to remote host)
* Improved FTP transfer speed (up to 10MB/s over 100Mbit connection)
* Improved transfer speed from and to remote hosts (/net_host) (up to 10MB/s over 100Mbit connection)
* Improved scanning of remote host content folders
* Added support to set "External Game Data" for games/applications installed under /dev_hdd0/game or /dev_usb***/GAMEI (RELOAD.SELF required)
* Fixed few issues introduced in 04.01.01, related to displaying/refreshing Retro/Music/Photo columns"

BeebEm v4.14

"* IDE hard drive interface.
- Limited IDE_Geometry command supported, allows 4 heads x 64 sectors
(disks up to 512M), and 16 heads x 64 sectors (disks larger than 512M).
- SCSI and IDE hard drives selectable/configurable.
- Disk images referenced by DiscsPath setting.
* Double-sided SSD disks supported (image file>&40000 bytes long).
* Debugger updates, bug fixes and addition of "script" command.
* XAudio2 sound support (thanks to "bredbored").
* Added a couple of TV resolutions to the DX video mode menu.
* Fixed bug where disk drive sound sticks on.
* Fixed keyboard issue for Dr Who game."


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