February 01, 2012

Retro Gaming News 100: Mega Man X3 - Zero Project

"–Mega Man X3 is a game that most would consider to be the first in the series in which Zero became playable. Unfortunately he was cut to be a very minor character with him being barely playable for more than 20 seconds per level.

This project aimed to incorporate Zero as a major character and also allow full use of him. Now many of Zero’s attributes consist of: Use of sub-weapons, gathering energy tanks, use of Ride Armors, charging weapons, use of capsules and much more!

With this group effort of two different communities chipping in the fully playable “Zero Project” is officially done!–

Note: This requires a headerless ROM!

A modification of Mega Man X3 that modifies and edits many aspects of the game to allow Zero being playable.

A few features taken from the read me:

  • Play as Zero anytime except areas where he’s unavailable such as the introduction stage.
  • Zero is able to use sub-weapons.
  • Zero is able to air-dash.
  • Z-Saber damage is varied depending on boss strength. (Based on speed/power combined)
  • Zero is able to gather Heart Tanks, Energy Tanks and Ride Armor chips. He’s able to fill sub-weapons and energy tanks while also able to use them.
  • Zero can use Ride Armors.
  • Slightly updated dialogue to reflect both characters being playable.
  • Zero can use Capsule upgrades to a certain extent.
  • Zero has new animations for charged Triad Thunder, Ray Shot & Gravity Well. There’s a new damage animation when you’ve obtained the armor capsule.
  • X and Zero are swapped during events. If you’re Zero, X will appear, vice versa. If Zero is destroyed for the ending then Doppler will take his place.
  • X and Zero have separate dialogue loading. Dialogue also spans across 2 banks so there’s more than enough room.
  • The game remembers who you played as last after you’ve beaten a level or died.
  • X2 Feature in which you can shoot both buster shots at once and both will deal damage instead of the large wait time.




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