February 01, 2012

Finds 400: We Gotta Find the Technodrome!

The Technodrome is worthy of the 400th finds post!! Isn't it beautiful?? I was able to set it up with all the action figures I've picked up in the past months and I'm happy with the results!! I've been wanting the Technodrome ever since I was a kid and to have it in my possession truly makes it worth it!! Please check out the rest of the photos as there are other vehicles on display as well as more action figures and bad guys!!

Here is a nice shot of the Technodrome with all its servants fighting a war against the turtles. Of course, these fools can't stop the leader of the turtles Leonardo!
A giant Raphael statue is the main battleground for Donatello as he fights off some foot soldiers....never give up, it's the way of the ninja!
A tank is attacking first as a line of defense for the Technodrome. The turtles are going to need a lot of help to get through this.
Prisoners April (on the left) and Machine turtle (on the right) are fighting for their lives! Help them Leo!
With Mike on the wheel you can bet the turtles are going to bash their way into the Technodrome! Radical!
Here is another view of the war!
Super Shredder is commanding his army of foes while Leo keeps his cool.
Even Krang is in it commanding his Stone Soldiers from Dimension X to dispose of the turtles!

An army of foot soldiers might be too much for the turtles...can they come out victorious?

What an awesome way to reach finds number 400! The Technodrome is an amazing piece of machinery! I can't get enough of looking at it on display! Now, I gotta get the rest of the vehicles!



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