So here we have yet another entry of retro game of the week. Although I'm a little late with this entry I do believe that better late than never. So lets get started and look at this game in the different categories we have available.

Lets start with good old music. Although the music of this game is good, it still doesn't stand out to the mega-classic Twisted Metal 2. You'll feel at home in this title though as you'll feel the familiarity of the Twisted Metal games. Don't let part 3 traumatize you for the revival of such an awesome series. The sound effects are as usually good as you'll expect. Blowing your opponents up hasn't felt this satisfying since part 2 of the saga. There is definitely a lot to enjoy so please don't mute this game.

You will top notch graphics for a 32-bit game. The scenery of the game is very impressive. The levels are like cities and even though you might want to find a place to hide, well there is none. They'll find you no matter what so you better get your game on. I'm quite impressed as this game's graphics are very enchanting and joyful. Of course, this is not a masterpiece by such companies as Squaresoft or Konami but it's very good at its best. You won't go blind, I promise.

With the failure of Twiste Metal 3, 989 studios had to raise it up a notch. There a lot of things they learned from part 3 that made part 4 a worthwhile pick. You can pretty much refer to part 3 as a prototype and part 4 as the final product. There were just too many mistakes that were long forgotten once we got to play this one. It's a very well rounded game, that's for sure. I'm sure you'll enjoy blowing up everyone in your path.

Is this a good game to go back and replay? Of course, especially if you have friends to play against. You'll have the satisfaction of blowing them to pieces even if it's just in a video game. The game is fruitful to what the series was set out to do and therefore, worth another run at it. I'm sure you'll want to find out the disturbing endings to all the characters in this game. They are dreadful to say the least.

To conclude this entry, I highly suggest picking this title up if you have already picked part 2. If you haven't picked up part 2 then you should definitely go with part 2, skip part 3, and then move to this one. You'll have a lot of fun nonetheless so be sure to not miss this great title. There was a million seller release of it as well so it makes it even more affordable to find it in the wild or eBay. If you are looking for classic vehicle-destruction action then look no further than Twisted Metal IV. Until next week!

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