May 31, 2011

Emulation News 061: Updates for 5-31-11

To finish the month we have some emulation news. Not as much as other days but news are news ^_^

MESS SVN r11732

Fixing scanline alignment in HLSL"


Dapplegrey v2.51.1

"Dapplegrey 2.25.1 - Dapplegrey 2.25 Bugfix Update 1
´Mount this folder as drive C:´ in TabPanel ´Drives´ no longer lists the top-most folder twice.
Will no longer crash, if you add a game located on the root of a drive (this happens mostly, if you store your DOS games on an hard disk drive image, for example).
When you need to select a game executive file stored in a subfolder of drive C: (after installing it, if it installs in a subfolder of drive C, by clicking ´Select from subfolder...´ near ´Run DOS game with:´ in the tabpanel ´Game Files´, the list given in the upcoming Selection Dialog Box should no longer be empty.

Dapplegrey 2 1/4 (2.25) - Listing Readme files now
In the ´Game Files´ area, readme files shipped with the DOS games are now listed by using a Popup menu. The list of readme files will be created at runtime, therefore is no need to add them manually. For now, files with the extensions .doc, .txt, .1st, .pdf, .hlp, .frm, .nfo and .me will be listed. PDF files will be forwarded to
Finder´s default application, mostly ´Preview´ or ´Acrobat Reader´, other text files will be opened within Dapplegrey directly. If you happen to meet further file extensions for Readme files shipped with DOS games, please let the author of Dapplegrey know.
New buttons in ´Game Files´ area: An ´Open in Finder´ button near ´Path to game exe´, which enables you to show the containing folder in the Mac OS X Finder. Near
´Run DOS game with´, which is the new name for ´DOS executable file´, you´ll find a Reload button now. If, for some reasons, the number of DOS executable files will change during the Dapplegrey session, this new Reload button enables you to see new DOS executable files immediately now.
´Browse...´ button near ´Path to setup exe´ no longer will cause a crash.
Hope to fix an unexpected quit of Dapplegrey, if adding a new game is driven by a given install application.
Some other bugfixes as well.
Menu item to save a configuration file manually has been removed."


Classic99 v354

"- added '*' as a Classic99.ini ROM type - means autodetect type by filename and size by file on disk"


GameEx v11.73

"- Thanks to Ben Baker the Setup Wizard has an improved user interface and now supports window resizing. In addition the Setup Wizard should now support any missing settings from the Advanced Config Application.
- The popup descriptions and ratings can now be disabled and in addition can be used with custom themes and the theme editor.
- Single static images are now supported for custom gameextender artwork paths.
- Updated Italian translation by AlphaUMi."


Jpcsp SVN r2163

Merged sceP3da changes with new draft implementation.

Fixed some bugs and reworked several aspects of sceDisplay and VideoEngine.

Implemented a Viewport Resize filter (suggested by gid).

Implemented sceKernelIcacheInvalidateRange.

Partially implemented the GamedataInstall utility in sceUtility.

Improved detection of invalid base memory addresses for Program and Section headers in Loader.
Increased accuracy of VBLANK interrupt: no more time drift.
Small performance improvement in video (writeVideoImageWithRange)
Improved accuracy of sceDisplayGetCurrentHcount() and sceDisplayGetAccumulatedHcount() based on test on a real PSP (displayWait.pbp).
Fixed scePsmfPlayerGetCurrentStatus: can be called inside an interrupt.
Improved scePsmfPlayerGetVideoData, scePsmfPlayerGetAudioData: improved startup to avoid "no more data available".
Fixed change from r2159: I have currently found no way to remove only selected compiled classes from a class loader."


DaedalusX64 SVN r712

[=>] Merged from Dev branch:

Rev 289 - Salvy
[-] Removed EasyMessage lib (was causing high usage of memory and thus crashing phats when pressing home)
[+] Implemented new dialog lib (WIP!!!!)
[-] Removed debug options which aren't longer needed.
Rev 290 - Salvy
[!] More work to new dialogs
Rev 291 - Salvy
[!] Wait until all buttons are released when showing a dialog
[~] Added exit dialog to CoverFlow GUI"


Mame32Plus [Ash-Build] v0.142u4

"-Updated at 30-05-2011.


- Regular Mame updates.


NOTE: Some of those game must be hanging or doesn´t working at all, please gimme feedback about it."


Dolphin SVN r7572

dspjit - iram/codespace reset fixed, decreased dspjit codespace to 2MB"


Vba-ReRecording v24 (369)

EOL problem again????"


PCSX Reloaded SVN r67214

win gui 100% cpu usage fix (shalma)."





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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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