May 27, 2011

Emulation News 057: Updates for 5-27-11

Here are today's emulation news. Lots of new stuff for sure!

Wiiengine v1.5BB

"- Classic controller support
- Usb2 with old(but good) cios 202
- Browse by page with button + and -
- Delete files removed
- That's all!"


Stella SVN r2236

Added ability for the debugger to start up in 'fatal error' mode.
This basically shows a messagebox as soon as the debugger starts,
describing the error and offering the choice to continue debugging
or exiting the ROM entirely.

The DPC+ code now catches fatal errors from the Thumb ARM
emulation code and shows it as a fatal error in the debugger.
This means you no longer need to look at the commandline for
this output, and you immediately know that something has
gone wrong.

Added 'exitrom' debugger parser command, which completely exits
from the debugger *and* the ROM, going back to the ROM launcher.

Cleaned up the API a little, rearranging some classes and
adding references instead of pointers. More work to be done
in this area.
Updated VS 2010 project files for recent class changes.
Updated VS 2005 project files for recent class changes."


CXMB for 6.39 (PSP plugin)

Instructions for plugin
"1. Download the archive to view news and unpack in the root directory of the Memory Stick
2. In the seplugins folder (or plugins on CF 6.35PRO) edit (or create if not present) vsh.txt the file by entering the following string: ms0: / CXMB / 1 or cxmb.prx EF0: / CXMB / 1 for cxmb.prx PSP owners Go!

The themes in CTF format should be stored in ms0: / PSP / THEME"


MESS SVN r11671

PlayStation GPU splits 4 point polygons into triangles. [smf]"


Stella DS v1.1

"* Adding launch arguments so that other menus can be used for loading roms (Thx
BassAceGold for the tip ;-))
* Fix power on/off graphics pb when return to menu (Thx Another World for the tip)
* Add more easy understanding message when no game in current diretory (Thx
Another World for the tip)
* Change sound when we quit emulator
* Add X/Y/R/L/SELECT button for each trigger
* Add Left Difficulty trigger
* Preliminary paddle support with button A and pad left/right (use Reset in "breakout"
to play, not fire button like in Atari Classic Nds game)
* Fix some few other bugs
* A bit faster (1~2 fps )"

How to use Stella
Unzip StellaDS.nds from the archive in a directory of your flash / (micro) SD
/ MMC card.
Put the a26/bin files where you want on your flashcard.

That's all, StellaDS can be use now :) !

When the emulator starts, click on the cartridge slot to choose a file. you are use Up/Down
to select a file, then use A to load it.

Controls :
* Direction pad : the joystick ...
* A : Fire button

Use stylus on buttons for other actions on bottom screen."


ykhwong's DOSBox 0.74 SVN Build 25.05.2011

"This build is an enhanced SVN build which incorporates unofficial features and fixes that are not officially part of DOSBox. The best Dosbox version IMHO.

Included Patches:
Direct3D with pixelshaders, OpenglHQ, Innovation, Glide, zip/7z mount, Beep, NE2000 Ethernet, Graphis user interface (menu), Save/Load states, Vertical sync, CPU flags optimization, Various DOS commands (PROMP,T VOL, LABEL, MOUSE, etc) and CONFIG.SYS commands (DEVICE, BUFFERS, FILES, etc), Continuous turbo key, Core-switch key, Show details (from menu bar), Nice DOSBox icon, Font patch (cp437), COPY CON feature, MAKEIMG command, INTRO, Ctrl-break patch, DBCS support patch, Automatic mount, Printer output, MT-32, MP3CUE, Overscan, etc.

Build environment:
Based on MinGW/MSYS under Windows 7 x64
Flags: -s -O2 -pipe -fprofile-use -fomit-frame-pointer -mtune=i686 -march=i586 -mno-push-args -ffast-math -funroll-loops --param max-unrolled-insns=60
Libaries: SDL, SDL_sound, libpng, libphysfs, DirectX SDK library, Freetype, etc.
For advanced users who want to debug or compile, debugger-enabled build and source are available.

1. Based on SVN r3713
2. Fixed Xargon Trilogy
3. Updated MT-32 emulation (MUNT) patch (63841aa02013487daa34)
- Improved accuracy
- Added mt32DAC, mt32ReverseStereo
- Set gain to 1.5 in this build
4. Threaded movie capturing (kekko)
5. Fixed a slow performance while keys are being pressed
6. Rearranged menu items
- Added overscan (only works when output=surface)
- Added two more options for MT-32 settings
- Fixed CheckMenuItem for soundblaster=none
- Merged linewise, multiscan, char9 options into Compatibility
7. Updated saved states manager
8. Fixed some minor bugs"


Surreal64 CE B5.5

"Changes since B5.4:
* Native 720p output for all video plugins and the launcher
* Full Screen Anti Aliasing modes up to 4x
* VSYNC setting to eliminate tearing
* Save state previews
* Paths for Saves and Screenshots
* Mupen64plus updated JttL audio plugin (still testing)
* M64p HLE RSP plugin (Hacktarux & Azimer)
* HLE RSP plugin (Hacktarux, Surreal CVS)
* New setting UseRspAudio
* Rom history which auto-selects the last rom at launch
* Option to toggle background music for the launcher
* Launch current rom using Y from the emulator settings menu
* Temporary messages (as known from Surreal 1.0) for launcher and all video plugins
* UltraHLE mem settings to ini - Ultra Code Mem/Ultra Group Mem
* Favorites for rom list from Surreal 1.0 (BLACK = list all/favs, WHITE = add/rem fav)
* Skin.ini for many new skinning features
* XMV Video support
* Real Time Clock support for 1964 (thanks to Shapyi and zoinkity)
* EmuXtras Synopsis by MegaMan(?)

* Music Manager so that it plays more than one wma file (LEFT THUMBSTICK = next track)
* Deadzone now calculated as a percentage of total range
* Load/Save State text to reflect date created
* Paging methods now user defined setting in Launcher
* Max Video Mem so that 0 is auto (keep to 2MB free)
* Set VertexMode default to 2 (hardware)
* Stripped non audio SDLx code from JttL
* Toggling menu items in Launcher/IGM does now also work with DPAD/LEFT THUMBSTICK
* Expanded ingame debug info output
* Control Config Panel reorganized to better fit an image panel

* Mempak issue (still needs work - UltraHLE is still missing)
* Rice Video 5.60 fog reverted to that of Rice Daedalus 5.10
* Screenshot name problems
* Switching paks in menu issue
* Countless ini fixes for all Rice plugins, PJ64, 1964 (BIG thx scorp316)
* GoldenEye crashes if 4 players were facing each other in multiplayer (UltraHLE)
* Minor core (1964) and dynarec (1964/PJ64) optimizations
* Increased volume for launcher and all sound plugins except Basic Audio (missing source code)
* Several missing boxarts
* Squished boxarts

* Consistent PAL and NTSC definitions
* Added libSDLx source from HuntsVegas
* Moved all OSD code into a single file
* Added Build.bat
* Added Profile, Profile_FastCap, and Release_LTCG configs
* Changed all projects to have unique GUID's
* Switched launcher ini parser to simpleini
* Mem Decommit from 1964/PJ64 to UltraHLE for IGM
* Added Doom 64 1.1 to boxarts (rename of existing)
* Added GoldenEye:X to Surreal.ini"


Spectaculator iOS v1.1.0

"Experience classic ZX Spectrum games on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad such as:
- 3D Starstrike by Realtime Games Software
- Tau Ceti by CRL/Pete Cooke
- Dynamite Dan by Rod Bowkett
- On The Run by Design Design
- Albatrossity by Jonathan Cauldwell
- The Fantastic Mister Fruity by Jonathan Cauldwell
- Battery's Not Precluded by Jonathan Cauldwell

- Play in portrait or landscape orientations
- Save your game progress (four saved game slots per game)
- Enter pokes (cheats) for infinite lives, shields etc.
- Lookup game hints, tips and maps
- Type on a virtual ZX Spectrum keyboard
- Choose authentic cassette loading or fast play
- Program in Sinclair BASIC
- Enjoy high resolution graphics on Retina screens
- More details can be found over at the App Store℠.

Spectaculator iOS v1.1.0 Changelog:
- Added several new games
- Automatic saving of game progress"


Javascript PC Emulator (2011/05/26)
"- display boot time
- faster emulation
- added some missing instructions (bcd support, XLAT, BOUND)
- easier customization possible (see jslinux.js file)."


Project64k v0.24

"- Full screen was put back into the emulator (Also I fixed some GFX on FS issues)
- Emulator Menu layout cleaned up a bit more.
- New short cuts and Fixed short cuts
- End Emulation now works again.
- New cheats in Gameshark (Still working on this also I will have to translate it because the people who first started updating it spoke spanish, Gaudy and henry)
- Glide64, Jabo sound, and Nrage are all set as default plugins (If one of these does not work just change them)"


VGMToolbox SVN r824

[ISO EXTRACTOR] Text changes"


EmuCenter2 v1.6.4.2 Beta

"- Fixed bug on startup FileNotFoundException
- Improved function 'Covers search auto'
2 search methods:
(1st) based on the name of the game
(2nd) based on the MD5 of the game"





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