September 25, 2009

Busy day....

So I'm finally home and so tired from a busy I had so much to do and tomorrow....I'll have to do even more errands including shipping some items I sold. I will be also selling a couple of NES consoles I have(not sure why I have them...) and other stuff so check my store by tomorrow and see if there is anything you might like. In other news, I tried opening that damn PSP and still can't! I bought the damn screwdriver that the hardware store guy told me would work for it but guess what? It doesn't! I'm going back to return them and try my luck on Ebay. I just saw one for five dollars with free shipping and the title says that it'll work for any PSP better work. Ah yeah I also don't know how this happened but a hair found its way inside the PSP and in front of the screen so now I have an annoying hair all over the screen...(damn screwdrivers).

Today was a pretty boring day you know. I did went to the thrift store and found nothing, but the worst part is that I waited like fifteen minutes for a parking spot. I was cursing so much in the car with the windows up of course. I also went to the local play n trade to pick up Metal Slug V for the Xbox but guess what? Someone bought it!! AHHHH!!! I started looking at other stuff they had but nothing interested me that much. I'll be back next week to check out if they got new games.

Finally, I went back home empty handed for the first time ever(really it has never happened). I couldn't believe it but I guess it hasn't been my month. I haven't had much luck at all but I hope things improve and I end up in a high note with my findings. All I can do is get over this bad streak and move on to the upcoming month.

One last thing, I will be posting a blog entry at the end of the month declaring the best find of the month! Haven't had much going for this month but it should be interesting to look through all previous finds of the month and find a specific one that got me excited! That's all for now!

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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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