November 20, 2010

Dear Virtual Console, Bite Me

With the release of the virtual console in the next gen consoles, we have been able to play our classics without the chore of bringing them out of our closets. In some cases, some of us still have our classic consoles connected to the TV because we just love to get our retro game fix once in a while. I think it's a great idea for a virtual console except for the fact that it's ruining our collections one game at a time. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that new generations are able to play these classics with their latest consoles whether it is the Wii, Xbox 360, or PS3. There have also been new releases by developers that keeps our interest up with such titles as Mega Man 10 and Castlevania. The problem is that with new technology, new problems appear in front of us to deal with. For instance, I'm a collector of everything to do with retro gaming and have cherished and worked hard on obtaining certain games so wouldn't it just bother you at least a little bit if you find out that due to the game being released as a download, the value of your game you worked so hard to find has gone down in value as well. I think that's just killing the retro gaming collectors all over the world. There are certain things that should be left alone, of course they can release the Marios and Megamans and what not but why not do as Capcom and release a new Mega Man rather than just try to milk out from work that was already done decades ago. That's one of the things that pisses me off about Nintendo especially during the GBA era when they re-released lots of the SNES titles into small chopped up versions of each one. Whatever happened to the originality? It's definitely gone, I can tell you for sure that I'm one of the gamers that doesn't get excited when I hear a new Mario game is coming out. I lost that excitement years ago.....

There are some pros to the virtual console though. We have gotten a new generation of gamers to cherish and respect these games. I'm glad that some of the younger generations are able to appreciate these classics and can still find them fun to play to this day. You really can't beat Super Mario Bros 3, that was Mario on his prime if you haven't noticed. It's amazing to see how many teenagers are collecting old consoles like the NES and Genesis. It's really great to hear that they love such games as Castlevania Bloodlines and Contra but also tend to complain about the same games we complained about. Some of them have the guts to challenge these games and come out victorious, it's a great feeling when I get messages from kids telling me they beat certain game that is just brutal to play through but not impossible. There are also the bad side of these individuals, the snotty punk ass smart ass retro wannabes that don't appreciate or cherish anything. All that comes out of their mouths is stench of ugliness surrounded by their loud ego. I advice you to stay away from them and run the other way as soon as possible.

Overall, the virtual console does good and bad things to collectors and players alike. Whether you like it or not, this paid emulator will be here to stay. I must say though, there is no way I'll pay ten dollars for a download, I rather have the real deal.




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