November 23, 2010

Finds of the Month Updates

Here is the list of the finds of every month up to October. I do apologize that I haven't posted the last three or so and completely missed the March entry but they are all here! So here they are, each of them with a little info on how I found them.

NES Deluxe Set
I was able to pick this up at a thrift store for a mere 34.95. The best part was that the R.O.B. came complete and with all the parts. It was even still in its bag with the games in extreme minty shape! This is for sure one of my most valued items. Amazingly, due to my struggle with money I almost sold this precious item but due to "destiny" the set ended up back in my hands.
House of the Dead(Saturn)
This is probably the cheapest find of the month ever, because it was free. During this time, there was a play n trade opened near my home and I was very happy. I used to go there all the time but sadly, the store is gone. This memory will always stay in me though. I went in to go through their used games as usual and found the House of the Dead disc for Saturn but with no price tag. I asked how much it was and the guy checked it out on the computer and said 4.99! I was like WOW NO WAY! Anyways, I picked up a couple of other games and due to their offer of buy two get one free, I came up with a free copy of House of the Dead it being the cheapest game I was buying. Those were sure good times....

Famicom CIB

I gotta thank eBay for this finding. This console usually goes for 100+ as well so I was lucky enough to pay 56 dollars for this wonderful console but that's not all. The console also came with twenty six games as well as some pirates in that lot. I couldn't have asked for anything more but that's right, that's not all! I also got an extra Famicom Disk System RAM adapter, those might come in handy, thanks eBay!

Valkyrie Profile(PS1)
In one of my trips to the thrift store, I was able to pick this up for a mere 1.95 just to wet my pants later that day when I found out how much this gem was worth. I'm a real fan of RPGs so there is no way I could let go of this game especially when it is in such minty shape. Great find over all...

Goal Prototype(NES)
I picked this up at the flea market for the amazing price of two dollars. I had no idea what it was at first but the label caught my attention and I figured why not? And boy did I made a great purchase as this little game right here ended up being a prototype of the game Goal for the NES. I never really play through it to see any differences but it's OK, I'm just happy having it to show it off to my friends.

NES Sealed Game Lot
Probably one of the best finds ever from Craiglist, sealed games are what brings you back to the simpler time especially for the NES! I paid a little over 200 dollars for these but I broke even and even more after I sold the duplicates. It's a great way to help your hobby stay alive and not bother your living expenses. I wouldn't dare open any of these because I might just get a heart attack. This can be without a doubt the best find of the year although the rest of the entries are quite impressive and will post a challenge nonetheless.

Asian PC Games
In a month of horrible empty handed finds, I was able to pick these games up for .95 cents each if I remember correctly. I wasn't able to test them but they looked like Emulators with roms in them which made them a very unique find and with no challengers to fight for the top spot of July, this one went through with ease.

Thousand Arms(PS1)
When it comes to RPGs I go nuts and when it comes to RPGs by Atlus I scream like a little girl! But really, there is just something about Atlus I can't stop loving, they are amazing! I was able to pick this baby up for two bucks and it even came with a Thousand Arms sticker on the memory card. This is surely one of the games in my "to play" list.

Pokemon CIB Lot + Yugi
Play n Trade might be gone from my area but that never stopped me from finding others nearby and that's what I did, and that's how I ended up with these finds. Having paid only four dollars and some cents (With the help of my ten percent discount) I was able to pick all of these games up in minty complete condition. The only duplicate was Pokemon Blue which I ended up re-selling to break even with this purchase. This is just one of the things I love about savvy collecting, be sure to take notes mmk?

Ico (PS2)
This would be my second copy of Ico I would have in my collection if I hadn't sold it to a good friend of mine but it was fine by me as I told him I would eventually bump into another one. The time finally came as I picked this one up at the flea market for the wonderful price of two dollars. This is another game in my list that will eventually be explore by yours truly, I'll be sure to keep you updated on that.

So that's it for all this year's top finds. Be sure to check each one out with careful consideration as I'll need you to vote this January for the top one! The reason? Do you really need one? All you gotta do is click and you are done, no ID needed so even illegal immigrants can vote! Cya later amigos!


Blake said...

Sealed NES games?? What kid got a NES game and didn't open it? lol

Yeah, I'm sure it was some game store owner, but still?! Impressive!

famicomfreak said...

Thanks, and yeah don't think I'm not tempted to open them but they are part of the history of the console. I'm sure not everyone agrees with me but well, I have an emulator to play on my big plasma screen with the enhanced umm I'm all set! Thanks for reading!

Sean said...

Nice finds, especially the boxed Famicom and the ROB. 34.95 is an amazing deal for that with all the parts, etc.

famicomfreak said...

Thanks a lot! Keep reading my friend! Also, keep that good Famicom stuff coming!!


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This is a site dedicated to retro gaming in particular but it'll have other things as well. We are open minded to all sorts of gaming included non-video gaming. Please take a chance and explore what we offer! -Famicom Freak

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