September 27, 2009

Retro Game of the Week 011: Super Mario World(SNES)

The game that came out with the SNES release was really something out of this world. If Super Mario Bros 3 took the NES to the next level, Super Mario World gave the SNES a good start. This game is huge and I mean the name says it for itself, "world" is actually an entire world in the Mario universe. Lets move forward to the gameplay. The game is your typical Mario game but there is so much more going on including new power ups. Of course, you have your mushroom and fire flower but this time around you can also get a feather that'll help you fly something like the leaf power in Mario 3.

The game will take you through some interesting worlds like umm Donut Plains??? and some chocolate cave if I remember right....makes me want to eat some sweets. You also once again have to battle against the koopa kids in each section of the world. They are all pretty easy in my opinion. This game was also the debut for Yoshi! Yeah the beloved dinosaur that Mario would hit in the head for him to stick his tongue out....that Mario....

Anyways, I won't give anything more again because well unless you have been living under a tree, you have probably already played this game. If you are one of the rare players that have never played this gem then you are good. Play and enjoy it! NOW!!!
Until next week...

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TDP said...

You're absolutely right, what a game! If only they still made them like this.


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