September 06, 2009

Finally took out the PSP and.....

Did an awesome upgrade to it! I first started by buying a new faceplate because somehow someone had broken the one it had. I got it for a good price as well. Now, I have to wait for it but it's ok I'm patient. Anyways, I also updated my firmware which was 1.5 to 5.00 m33-6 which took me a while because you can't update straight to 5.00 m33-6, you have to go through different firmwares until you reach the top one. Anyways, after that was done, I installed emulators and other stuff like music and videos to my psp. I currently have a GBA, NES, GBC,and Genesis emulators. I can't wait to see what else I can get to it. One last thing is that I heard that you could play youtube videos on your PSP so I did a little research for it and came up with a new application that lets me do it with great results! I can now check out videos on youtube through my PSP har har har. I also installed a radio station application which is pretty neat! Hmm what else? I think that's all for now. If you need to upgrade your PSP and are in firmware 1.5, then I suggest you visit this wonderful tutorial here. If you need any help, I might be able to help you out! Well that's about it, time to play some good old NES games on my PSP har har har!

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