September 26, 2009

An interesting day....

Well today after weeks and weeks of no gaming, I finally sat down in front of my TV and played some games(not just to test them out). The amazing thing is that I had lots of fun! I miss when I used to just sit down and play a game or two for more than thirty seconds....

The gaming session started with some good old toaster NES with the game Life Force. That game is a lot of fun. I got to the second stage and died a lot though. After that I used my good old Famicom to NES adapter(had it since 1995!) and played a multicart cart. This was just the generic forty or something games from the early years of the Famicom/NES lifetime. I played a lot of Balloon Fight and Mappy though. Those two games are incredibly fun in my opinion. I tried to score a really high score but died a little bit over five hundred thousand points oh well next time. After some multicart goodness I decided to play some 3DO Street Fighter. The game is really something. it's just like if I were playing the arcade version. The Honda stage song really took me back....great memories...

So that's about it, I could go on and on about the games I played today but the ones I mention are the ones that stood out. I'm going to try to play more games rather than other stuff. Until next time...

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