September 19, 2009

Car almost almost!!! got towed....

Well last night was a very stressful night because of what almost happened. I was closing the store up until I got a phone call from a frequent customer asking if we would deliver food to him. Since the guy is a very nice person I accepted and took his order. I went home to pick up my car(lost my good parking spot) and by the time I got back to work the food was ready for me to deliver it. Anyways, I took the food to his place which wasn't that far to start with but there was no place to park. On the way there I saw a towing truck and disregarded it. I got tired of looking for a parking spot so I went to an alley and stop the car there. I placed the blinking lights so that any car coming from behind would go around. So I got and started looking for this guy's apartment and all of the sudden as I'm at the end of the block I see the tow truck driving as fast as it could(really it was going really fast!) towards my car. I had to run all the way back with the food in my hands to see what the hell was going on. When I got there the fat mother fucker was already getting ready to tow my car and said I couldn't leave my car like that. I said to him that I was doing a delivery and wouldn't take long. There was literally no place to park so I had no other choice. Finally after exchanging responses with that fat asshole he told me I could leave the car behind another parked car by the building where the delivery was. Funny thing is, there was a car that was parking in the road with the back sticking out and I was wondering why didn't he towed that car? That car was in the way more than mine you know. So in the end, I ended up giving the guy his food and giving the finger to fatty towing guy. So I went back to work and the cook told me why I took so long and I explained to him what happened. I spent almost half an hour leaving a food that was five blocks away thanks to that towing fuck. Anyways, I made a good tip so it was worth it. Next time though, I'm taking the cook's bike har har har....

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lazyhoboguy said...

Well, you can't blame the tow guy too much. Technically, he was right.

famicomfreak said...

What pissed me off the most is that he looked at me taking food for the delivery wearing the uniform and all and didn't give a shit. He just wanted to make a quick buck. Besides there was no place to park so what was I suppose to do? Leave and don't deliver the food? That guy was an ass....

MCT said...

Sounds like you had a lucky escape.
There was a recent story here in the UK where a Wedding car was clamped outside a Church and the Groom was forced to pay £350 before the clampers would remove the clamp.
I understand parking enforcement is necessary but the lack of regulation means that many companies are operating nothing more than a car kidnapping service.

famicomfreak said...

Yeah it really does look like that. That's horrible what happened in the wedding. Anyways, thanks for the comment.

Japanese Used Cars said...
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